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Im just goin to say it

Mr. Cream

Apr 16, 2018
Reaction score
Trump won. Im no dumbass I dont listen to what my friends or MSM say I do my research, fact checks and I look at the past. Biden is a fucken racist look who mentored him and who he gave a euology to in 2010 or 11 when they died, a grand wizard of the KKK. Bidens already goign to get us into WW3 by allowing Iran nuclear deal to continue which will cease middle east peace. They (biden administration) wana go back after syria liek why? What hillary wanted to do to syria in 2016 was put a no fly zone in a country where russia already placed it. We shoot down a russian jet boom WAR. Biden is chummie with commie fascists concentration camp makers. Im venting do your own research.
RE: Im just goin to say it

Just because he may be on the border of dementia and also some may say corrupt, it doesn't mean he won the election. They recounted the votes almost 15 times. It's impossible to get away with is the point I made to 1@Lämmchen[/uSER] in the other thread. There's no way you could get away with that. Regardless I will admit the fact that Democrats have office now is a bit of a shame. No offense to Democrat voters, but the Senate and House deserves better.
RE: Im just goin to say it

How many Executive Orders is Biden up to now? Is that seriously how his voters want him to run the country? Can you imagine if it had been Trump making that many the hate that would be spewed all over the media?

What really kills me is that I have friends with diabetes who complained years ago about the cost of their medicine being too high and how Trump should lower it. Well, he forced it to be lowered and not one friend praised him. And NOW Biden reversed that and the cost is rising. Is that what people voted for? I just don't get it.
RE: Im just goin to say it

This just about sums it up. He can't make his own laws. Veto a bill is what he can do, if by executive order that's what you mean. I will admit that Obama may have worked with Senate and House officials in congress to sway them into creating laws. By that, give them ideas. With that said, he has the power to pass a law after it's voted, indeed he does. There were several laws made that were unconstitutional by the President. Including one law that says you can't send nude photos to someone you know even if you had their permission. Why that law was made goes to show stupidity and ignorance to how many loopholes were created onto other laws. There are people who can get out of prison anytime and don't know it because of how many loopholes were made. The system of laws under the constitution is what governs it. If anything goes against it, there is plenty to destroy the foundation.

This is what the president can and can't do.

RE: Im just goin to say it

The biggest issue I see with the whole voting issue, is that no one wanted to come out with the truth, and quite a few places were under order to prevent the truth from really coming out. We now have an idea of what happened in a number of places, but all the lawsuits going back and forth does not help with finding out the truth, as no one wants to admit there were issues in the first place.

And honestly, the federal government agencies that were supposed to begin investigation of voting after it was official, keeps refusing to this day to do their job. So who really won? It depends on what you look at. At the moment, Biden is in, due to how things somehow panned out. If they ever get the ball rolling, it could eventually be reversed, if they actually do find that it was rigged in favor of Biden. But we won't know for sure, unless something is done to get the full truth of the matter into the public.