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I would like to have your attention. Fresh new look with dark style. Also new logo.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Hey guys there has been a fresh new look I've now given you. I think we've pulled off the look. Did we pull off the logo? Well we needed a new one and something that was more aerodynamic you have my word and now so blustery. Variations of a flag will be used on future updates if it ever changes again. But our logo is now a flag. It will remain a flag but may change a small bit with a variation that might possibly have MP in it standing for Mind Piff and so forth.

I think the dark style is a bit better but this is the freshest most clean and organized to say the least theme I have tried in many years. I still plan on using light for the default.

You can toggle different features such as the sticky sidebar and also the node grid if you want single nodes with the toggle switch to the left of the moon though I want you to be aware going to the dark style is as simple as clicking the moon and clicking the light bulb to change back.

Happy Future to Mind Piff - TopSilver :P
IMO, the logo would be better if it Just said "Mind Piff" without the flag. And IMO. MP doesn't need the chat add-on or the trending tab.
Nagato this is the new logo. Officially. Also both add-ons come in handy later, that you can rest assured on.

p.s. Comes with a countdown timer if we ever enable it.
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Nice update! looks nice and well put!

I was trying to log on the past few days and now i know why :p

good work!

ps. new posts widget is missing! (i have checked and only in the new dark theme.)
Nice style!! I thought you just changed it?
No I just couldn't find one until recently so was switching around until I bought this one.
Stop spending money on themes (that all look pretty similar if I'm being honest), and get your forums upgraded to 2.2! :p

Not keen on the logo, I don't know if you're intentionally trying to move away from the "stoner" look, but here's something I've drafted (I didn't draw it)..

View attachment 293

Let me know if you'd like me to send it over?
Were not big yet. There was no point in keeping our old theme. It started with the one I made and while it looks good it wasn't polished enough. We never actually had a new one outside of that. This is the first new one we've had since I took the site down over a year ago which won't happen again. Several times I put old themes back up to see if the site caught a vibe off it and I could tell it wasn't going to work. I found this one by xenfocus. I haven't upgraded the site to 2.2 yet because I invested my money in the Xbox Series X. I will however see what I can do in the future about possibly making the switch. My license will remain active and still is. I have access to all versions of XF 2.

Believe me while it seems to be a big deal to switch themes if we had enough posters that would not happen very rarely and if this or any other theme seem to play well with everyone then from there it would just be massive improvements to the structure and UI with add-ons and so forth. Though I'm not satisfied yet until we expand. The is by far the best one we've had in my opinion. The logo is permanent. As the first post says, upgrades to it will only include very minor variations if there are ever future updates but consider a genuine flag official. Style changes will be very rare once we get going. We have to get there first though. But the theme is my favorite I will at least say that.

The upgrade to 2.2 is being prolonged a bit more but I can assure you that won't be something that I ignore. I'm not in a rush either though. On the latest 2.1 release and things seem to be quite alright. It won't be a lot longer before we upgrade but it may be a small bit longer. Not every site is so quick on the jump. I was very quick on the 2.0 -> 2.1 jump but for 2.2 I'm not as keen on immediately upgrading and I will admit money is the main issue but if I was so keen on it I could have this christmas and skipped out on the console. Instead why not wait a few more months? Not too bad as the changes are good but the majority of it isn't any key features the site will be lacking. There are profile banners and different thread types. The best part I see about it.

I intend to install an add-on for similar threads though. Enhanced Search isn't worth it. The updates seem good but can wait a small while longer. I always make sure the sites not too far behind, I just need more time to gather the funds.
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