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I like the way the navy style looks. If you like it let me know below. I think we could get big on t


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
I keep changing styles because there's not a single person who invites anyone except for me. To top that off it's so rare that anyone signs up unless it's someone I invite.

Don't be a slouch. If you join the community share it on facebook or twitter or invite your friends. I have invited over 140 people and I'm the only one doing it. We cannot grow unless the community pitches in, just understand this otherwise it's pointless though it does us good to let the posts we have which is a decent amount over 7,000 have time to sit regardless. That actually does fantastic in helping our traffic grow which will do us good in the future for guest sign ups which I am positive will increase ten fold the longer we stay online and also the longer we stick with a theme.

Don't complain about the theme switching. I've said this numerous times and I want to make it clear that when people start posting, when users start inviting their friends then whatever theme we were on when it started to kick off is the theme we will pick. This theme seems to be something I saw us or envisioned us (navy one) succeeding greatly on.

Some would say at this point maybe within a year since we do actually have 7,100 some posts that we could possibly have a lot of users. I'm not entirely sure. Also don't let this appear as if I'm disappointed in any of you. Far from it and absolutely not. You have all been quite the amazing group of friends to stick around and I value that a lot. I'm proud of what we have here and I also want to let you know that I'm going to start trading more posts within the next couple months to get us more people. I just ask that you don't leave all the hard work to me alone and help out finally.

The advertising at Bizdustry even though I love their community was a bit of a waste. We got no sign ups except for 1 and that person never came back. I spent $40 but what can I say. All I can say is I paid for the advertisement, not the traffic itself so there's not much to say about it. The owner is a good guy and I believe it was the particular region where his traffic mainly originates why we didn't have much going on with it.

The good news is I am back in action and ready to help move things along. As I said I will be working with forum promotion to try and get us some more post trades. Do your part and pitch in.

Be sure to note that there are 3 tiers of awards that are awarded automatically for referrals. Simply get the right amount of referrals and you get an award in your post bit. Thank you.
I guess one of the issues with post trades and the like is that, similar to myself, people have their own community to try and promote and are in a similar situation.

Advertising doesn't really seem to work these days from what I've seen. I've ran 2 campaigns on Facebook without any sign-ups from them.. I suspect the IP checking I was running until just today for Proxy Servers and VPNs may have partially contributed to that (too strict), but who knows.

..and I'll complain about the theme switching as much as I want dammit! :ROFLMAO: Although I really like the Navy one, so no complaints at the moment. Don't get too caught up on the theme making or breaking a site though, if a site is going to succeed it can do so on the default theme. Content is king.
Hi, i always think that switching themes from time to time is good and keeping the site fresh in that aspect is healthy, i mean the logo from previous years is really inferior to the one currently and that just represents how many changes we had over the years.

We have our pros and cons like everyone else, but we really stay true to our roots with this and i think all the forum people enjoy this place.