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How often do you binge watch movies or TV shows?


Feb 3, 2022
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Do you have sometimes when you start watching movies or TV shows and you don't want to stop until you have finished the whole movie set especially if it have several sequels or TV shows with many seasons?

How often do you binge watch movies or TV shows?
I actually do it often because movies and TV shows are something that I enjoy. Once I see a movie or TV show I love so much, I wouldn't waste time to watch it all. It's how I did with watching Dune Prophecy and Shogun.
Not too often, but when I do, it's usually for something I've been meaning to watch for a while, like a highly recommended series or a classic movie franchise.
I wish to say no, but sadly I am guilty of binge watching. If I choose a new series, I tend to watch one episode and move to another until I complete the series. This happens to me a lot.
I actually binge watch only those which I am extremely interested in and its rare that anything catches by interest.

The last one I binge watched is the Game of Thrones.

However, I regularly watch the news debate of at least 3 channels, everyday. Does that count as binge watching!
I wish to say no, but sadly I am guilty of binge watching. If I choose a new series, I tend to watch one episode and move to another until I complete the series. This happens to me a lot.
You're able to do that probably because you have time to what TV shows like that. When I have time to binge watch, I will do the same thing.