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How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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Sometimes it takes seeing to believe. Can't really imagine what could be out there until you have a first hand account.

Anyone have an experience? You don't need to share if you don't want to. Simply let us know if you've had one and maybe a brief explanation of what happened.
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

I* had a paranormal experience once. it was a dream. In the dream i saw mountains and landscapes! On the mountains were blue stars dancing. It gets weirder... the landscapes were made of marshmallows that were hard and cold like a womans heart! And Then there was a train coming from Israel and choo chood and hit a tree and all the passengers got out and assaulted the tree! Then I stood and waited and watched, finally i woke up and realized something.. ligma.
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

I really haven't per say, but my mom did or claim she did. She worked at an old nun retirement home, claims when she had the night shift she heard voices, sudden drop of temperature and her name whispered. Years later they would tear down the building and find an old plague burial site.

RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

I don't believe in ghosts/spirits. I do believe however that there is a lot more going on than what we can normally perceive.
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

I haven't experienced any as of now, but after watching horror movies or ghost sightings i always feel something is watching me o_O.
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

I haven't experienced any as of now, but after watching horror movies or ghost sightings i always feel something is watching me o_O.
That might be paranoia. I suffer from that sadly, and it makes it hard to go out. :(
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

remember these conversatiosn, guys, can spark memories that scare people so watch out.
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

It all depends on what you consider to be paranormal. If you mean something outside of science by paranormal, I'd estimate less than 1% of the population has experienced one. If statistically impossible implies "unusual," then everyone has had one. You have been conditioned to reject these inconceivable events logically, which is why you are unaware of them.
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

Jackle2015 said:
It all depends on what you consider to be paranormal. If you mean something outside of science by paranormal, I'd estimate less than 1% of the population has experienced one. If statistically impossible implies "unusual," then everyone has had one. You have been conditioned to reject these inconceivable events logically, which is why you are unaware of them.

Though, I like to think I've had at least two experiences that could fall under this umbrella. I had the fact that I grew up next to a cemetery for most of my youth and would occasionally see or thought I saw blue floating orbs late at night or foggy, moonlit evenings. Another time I was awoken by what felt like someone kicking me in the face or head, though when I awoke no one was up and no one was in the hallway.
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

I have seen paranormal activities only on YouTube. Jokes apart, I feel those are staged videos to get more views and clicks. It is a fact that such a subject will naturally create curious reaction from generally everyone. It's difficult to believe about something which we don't know. It is scary because it's made to scare you just like what an horror movie does to you. All these involve the dead and the very mention of it can give you creeps, though I wonder why?
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

I am not sure if you can say my experiences are part of paranormal activities or just my imaginations going wild. I basically am very sacred of darkness and I see all sorts of shapes and things moving around in darkness. I did consult with my physician regarding this and he gave some drugs to calm my nerves. I still see these illusions, though.
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

It is the fear of the unknown that plays tricks on our minds.  It has happened many a times to me especially when I am alone at home.  I tend to look over my shoulder and have this feeling that someone is behind me.  It is a terrible feeling and sometimes I break into a sweat.  
I have never had any paranormal experience. I have only seen it in horror movies and it looks very creepy.

Supernatural is one of my favourite horror stories movies. I have seen a lot of paranormal activities in it.
Apart from a hunted house in my neighbourhood where the lights always come on every night by 1 :00 AM, it's the only experience that I seen and not really had in person.

I have seen something similar like that in the movies which is why I know it's a paranormal event.
Love said:
Apart from a hunted house in my neighbourhood where the lights always come on every night by 1 :00 AM, it's the only experience that I seen and not really had in person.
I have seen something similar like that in the movies which is why I know it's a paranormal event.
I wouldn't be anywhere near such house even during the day because it's very creepy.

I have had a paranormal experience once and it almost killed me if I'm not exaggerating.

I was walking home from a night show and coming in between two big tree, it felt like I was covered with a black cloth.

I had goosebumps all over me immediately. Getting into the hostel because it was in a camp, my temperature was so high and broke down with fever immediately.
There's nothing for me to share because I have not had any experience with anything that's paranormal.

I have heard some people say that they died and wake up but I don't believe it.
I have not had any experiences with anything paranormal.

I'm not sure if it's even something real. So, I don't believe it does exist.
I have seen a ghost once. It's how I started believing in paranormal existence. It was a ghost of someone that I know to be already dead.
There was an evil man living in my neighbourhood. Last week, he was chased out of his house by bees as they infested his house.
Mr Bong said:
There was an evil man living in my neighbourhood. Last week, he was chased out of his house by bees as they infested his house.
Damn. This sounds very scarey. I won't be able to enter that kind of house in my life again.