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How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

Mr Bong said:
There was an evil man living in my neighbourhood. Last week, he was chased out of his house by bees as they infested his house.
That serves him right. I would have loved for the bees to stung him till he dies.
I have not had any experience of such. It's not something that I would like to experience because it will scare me to death. 
I once was returning from a house whose patriarch had died a couple of days ago. It was night time and there was only moonlight. I saw a shadow leaping out from the house.I thought it was the spirit of the deceased when I saw it. But these days I try to explain the situation as a hallucination.
I once was returning from a house whose patriarch had died a couple of days ago. It was night time and there was only moonlight. I saw a shadow leaping out from the house.I thought it was the spirit of the deceased when I saw it. But these days I try to explain the situation as a hallucination.
Do you have any idea what might have caused your hallucination that particular night? I don't think having hallucinations is a common.
Do you have any idea what might have caused your hallucination that particular night? I don't think having hallucinations is a common.
Since I was returning from a dead man house, my mind tricked me to see a ghostly shadow. This is the most possible answer I have for seeing that thing.
Since I was returning from a dead man house, my mind tricked me to see a ghostly shadow. This is the most possible answer I have for seeing that thing.
Oh, year that sort of thing can happen because your psychology can easily be influenced by what you have seen especially if it's a daring encounter.
RE: How many of you have actually had what you would call a paranormal experience?

I don't believe in ghosts/spirits. I do believe however that there is a lot more going on than what we can normally perceive.
Why not ?