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How many of you all like fishing and hunting?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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Wondering if you guys like to fish or hunt. I've never been hunting but I have been fishing a ton especially on camping trips. One of the best times I've had is going trout fishing with waders where you actually get in the water. Did this up in Cherokee, NC. Was a good time.
RE: How many of you all like fishing and hunting?

Yes I have always fished but never really went hunting I love animals to much I couldn't handle it lol
RE: How many of you all like fishing and hunting?

Yes I have always fished but never really went hunting I love animals to much I couldn't handle it lol
I don't think hunting animals is wrong when it's for food. I just don't really think killing off deer and stuff like that is right when your not eating it or it's just a trophy. I've been watching alaska state troopers a lot in the past and they have some really damn strict rules on poaching. So much that it would lead me to not even want to be a hunter. Just too many ways to screw up.
RE: How many of you all like fishing and hunting?

Yeah that's true some people could handle it but most just do it for fun but I definitely understand where your coming from I just know I couldn't do it I reather grow food lol and be a vegetarian lol buttt then again I love my meat so I'll have to get someone else to do it for me lmao
RE: How many of you all like fishing and hunting?

Wondering if you guys like to fish or hunt. I've never been hunting but I have been fishing a ton especially on camping trips. One of the best times I've had is going trout fishing with waders where you actually get in the water. Did this up in Cherokee, NC. Was a good time.
Im the completer opposite haha, ive never fished before but i hunt all 3 deer seasons just about every year :)
RE: How many of you all like fishing and hunting?

I like fishing. But not hunting. I love animals. I like to hunt girls tho. :sneaky:
RE: How many of you all like fishing and hunting?

I like fishing. But not hunting. I love animals. I like to hunt girls tho. :sneaky:
a man of true knowledge right here. ;)
RE: How many of you all like fishing and hunting?

I don't like to watch animals dying in front of me, even the animals that we eat. Therefore, I don't like fishing or hunting.
RE: How many of you all like fishing and hunting?

I like fishing. My favorite past time when I take a break from work is definitely fishing. We have a small river running parallel to our house, which is not very far away and convenient too. I have full set of fishing gears and do not feel bored patiently waiting for my catch. I cannot say the same about hunting. I haven't been to a hunting trip so far. I am not very sure whether I will enjoy it as much as fishing.
RE: How many of you all like fishing and hunting?

I have fished in small waters only.  It was like so many years ago, when I visited my grandfather.  It was a favorite past time along with my cousins during my childhood.