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How many hours do you spend on gaming?


Sep 30, 2020
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I can only spend about 2 hours. A friend of mine, he can play more than 5 hours per day. For me, that's too much, because, after 2 hours in front of my gaming PC, I am losing my mind :)

What about you guys?
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

I used to be able to spend hours gaming in one setting but now I can't do more than two hours. i find myself getting distracted or too bored easily.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

I usually only play for around 1-2 hours at a time but spread out throughout different time periods. This has only been because I haven't been feeling to well. Before I was sick I played like 5-6 hours at a time and played much more then I do now. I'm on the way to a recovery so there should be many more hours spent once I am healed.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

With my new job and constant schedule, I am able to put in about on average about 2 hours a day, about 4-5 hours on both saturday and Sunday. I like to game more, but eh, oh well.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

A good 12 hours assuming there's a prestige system in CoD.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

Well, it depends on my commitments. Some days will be less, and sometimes it could be more. If I don't have work and my schedule is looking free, I'd probably spend 6+ hours gaming compared to 1-2 normally.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

In recent times I have been gaming a lot more, just as a way to escape life and the busy world that is happening around me. It is hard to guess how long I spend each day as it can vary and I do not look at the time often when I am going, so the time just flies by. If I had to guess though I would say around 2-3 hours each day.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

Final Fantasy XII, i spent my mid twenties playing this game. I had several save for 600+ hours.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

For most of the week, I tend to focus generally to a max of 1.5 hours a day. Though I have been going over that time recently, as there are some games I love trying out and seeing if I can beat them. :D Sometimes limiting time to a game that is naturally difficult to play, is not wise to remember what you did wrong in the last time you lost. :D
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

It varies. Sometimes I play for hours. Sometimes I play for a couple of minutes.

Usually when I'm starting a new game and it's slow or it's just the opening tutorial, I'll play the first several minutes and take a break. Then later play it for hours. 
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

Way, way too much. I'll openly admit it. They've been an escape the past two years with the lack of companionship and things to do. I've been trying to get back out into the world and pick up some new hobbies to pursue, haven't had much luck. I know it's usually 2-3 hours on any given night.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

Depending each day by day really. I stream on twitch and once I'm live on twitch then I will do whatever related gaming that I be doing till I end the stream  Other times I do not game that much while not streaming. No idea. Maybe as I have my hands full of doing other things online. two to five hours seems to be my go to hours a day. I say three hours is good  

I have game all day in my time, like any other people, once you start a game and you get so hooked that you can't stop. 
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

2-5h per day, on a good day I play for more but usually it's like 1-2h per workday then the weekend hits and gaming starts from morning to dawn

I got an aquarium now so it goes slower tbh, but still I get 3h of gaming in the weekend.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

Nowadays, I spend only around 3 hours daily playing video games. A bit more during the weekends. I remember when I was younger, I used to do pretty long sessions, like 10-15 hours. Well, I did not have so many things to do back in the time.
RE: How many hours do you spend on gaming?

ConteNY said:
I can only spend about 2 hours. A friend of mine, he can play more than 5 hours per day. For me, that's too much, because, after 2 hours in front of my gaming PC, I am losing my mind
What about you guys?
Depending on how free my schedule is, I might be able to play at least 3 to 5 hours in a day. But when it's too tight, it's going to be very hard to play even 1 hour. 
I don't play every day, I don't even play every weekend. I play only when I have spare time and I am in a mood. Normally, I spend a couple of hours playing games.
I play at least 2 hours whenever I'm playing games. It's only during the weekend that I was free to play games more than 2 hours. 