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How do you handle rejection?


Aug 24, 2022
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Everyone wants to be accepted in anything that they do. That is very good and fine. However, we can be in situations where we end up being rejected especially in a relationship. How do you feel when rejected?
RE: How do you handle rejection?

I feel very sad when someone I love rejects me completely, I rather not approach the opposite sex than wasting my time at the end. I don't love relationship I just love staying alone and loving myself not masturbating.
RE: How do you handle rejection?

If you're rejected outrightly in a new relationship, you should be happy because it's a good thing. You are lucky that you wouldn't be played and manipulated in which you are going to suffer a lot and in the end still get rejected and dumped.



RE: How do you handle rejection?

When our Lord Jesus Christ was rejected, who am I to be crying that someone rejected me?

So I am not going to bother myself about it but rather find someone who is going to appreciate me.
RE: How do you handle rejection?

Rejections make me unhappy momentarily but in the long run, rejections do not matter much because I move on and attempt something else where I have better chances of getting approval.
RE: How do you handle rejection?

Relationship is a different thing that comes under life situation and don't force someone who are not interested with you. I left my first lover long ago since she played a big scam role, but God helped not to fall further in her trap.

If you are rejected in relationship just forget them and start with a new life than focussing on the person.
RE: How do you handle rejection?

bharath said:
Relationship is a different thing that comes under life situation and don't force someone who are not interested with you. I left my first lover long ago since she played a big scam role, but God helped not to fall further in her trap.

If you are rejected in relationship just forget them and start with a new life than focussing on the person.
Forgetting them and starting a new life can work, but it is never easy. I believe that people can make it possible since moving on is always the best decision to make.
The best way to handle rejection is moving on and removing the person from your life completely.

I know that it's a painful feeling but you have to move on.
Martins said:
The best way to handle rejection is moving on and removing the person from your life completely.

I know that it's a painful feeling but you have to move on.
This is a way to move on. One has to decide to let go of the past while focusing on building a different future with another person. It is never easy, but worth it.
I would also simply reject the person back back. He or she is not the one that's making it possible for me to breath.

The person can go to hell for as long as I care.
Anachi said:
I would also simply reject the person back back. He or she is not the one that's making it possible for me to breath.

The person can go to hell for as long as I care.
This is being real. You owe the person nothing. If they don't want you, don't want them.
Henrywrites said:
This is a way to move on. One has to decide to let go of the past while focusing on building a different future with another person. It is never easy, but worth it.
Some pasts are not worth it. It's going to be of more disadvantage to you than it's going to be an advantage.
There's some other person out there who wants you so badly. Look for that person and be loved so much.
I have never experienced rejection in my life. I'm not sure if I would know how to handle it should that happen to me. It's going to be too difficult for me to swallow. 
I feel I have gotten better at handling rejection over the years and now I take it as a loss and just move on to something else. Usually, it has been rejection for a job online which is bound to happen but I know with more time, more jobs that I will be successful at will come through.
I feel I have gotten better at handling rejection over the years and now I take it as a loss and just move on to something else. Usually, it has been rejection for a job online which is bound to happen but I know with more time, more jobs that I will be successful at will come through.
Exactly! Moving on with your life is the best thing to do for yourself whenever someone have rejected you. It's not a must that everyone will be friends with you and treat you the same way you do for them.
The best way to handle rejection is moving on and removing the person from your life completely.

I know that it's a painful feeling but you have to move on.

I agree with you on that. There is need to let go of such persons. There is no point trying to stick around to someone that has rejected you.
Take it on the chin and move on. There's no point in being angry about rejection - just let it go. It's one of those things you'll have to deal with in life no matter what you do.
I agree with you on that. There is need to let go of such persons. There is no point trying to stick around to someone that has rejected you.
The more you keep holding on is the more you're going to have yourself hurt and they won't care. This is the reason why letting go in this kind of situation is always going to be beneficial for you.
If you keep looking back at someone who rejected you, you will always stay in the past in which it's going to be difficult for you to move on with your life. The best thing for you to do is to cut off anything that is going to remind you of them and move on.