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Hi. I'm _B_.


Oct 1, 2020
Reaction score
Hey guys. As you can tell, I'm _B_ and I'll provide a little introduction. I'm a uni student (just started this month) and I enjoy a little bit of coding, gaming and binge-watching Netflix and YouTube. It has been an unusual period and I've just tried to make the most of it through learning to code for my site and doing other hobbies in between.

But now that I am about to start university, I will be quite committed to that.

Anyways, hope to see you guys around!
Welcome to the site 1@_B_[/uSER] I see your from forum promotion. I look forward to chatting with you in the future. Thanks for joining and welcome to Mind Piff.
Hi! :D

It's great to see new faces. Your commitment to college should always be your priority, keep that in mind.

Enjoy the site and just PM if you need it. :)