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Have you quitted playing any game?


Aug 23, 2022
Reaction score
Quitting games is something that most gamers don't want to do. It makes no sense to purchase a game, only to end up quitting it a long the way. But there are circumstances that might make a gamer to quit a game.
RE: Have you quitted playing any game?

I played Burnout Paradise and I never love the game. It was the worst of the game's release. I regreted purchasing the game and I quitted playing the game.
RE: Have you quitted playing any game?

I only quit games when I am not getting the vibes that I expected from the game. Dark Souls 3 was one of such games.
There was a game called 300 Spartan that I played on my smartphone. I have quit the game immediately after playing it for the first time.

It's a very repetitive short game.
I stopped playing puzzle games at some point but I got back Into it with portal 2 and there were also some puzzles in stray as well.
I used to like playing Candy crush. But for the past 7 years, I haven't open it on my phone. The next thing would be to uninstall it.
PeterS said:
I used to like playing Candy crush. But for the past 7 years, I haven't open it on my phone. The next thing would be to uninstall it.
I don't even see this Candy Crush as a video game haha. I never tried playing it for once.
Yes, I have quitted playing Dark Souls 3 for at least 3 times and still see myself starting it again.
I stopped playing PES after a while and then focused more on playing FIFA.
I have stopped playing a lot of games. I stopped playing some games because I got bored or I bought new games.