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Has Movies and Games change music as a nostalgia trigger


May 4, 2018
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Over these years video game music composer have made great moves to make the game we love iconic.

Also, if you observe movies expecially Disney they really did master the art of cinematography with well written music.

I wanna hear your thoughts on any songs that came up in your mind that triggers those memory rather when you are playing the game or watching the movie.
RE: Has Movies and Games change music as a nostalgia trigger

I always have the Wonderful Wizard of Oz in my head. That's one song that triggers my memory. This thread makes perfect sense to be honest. A lot of games and movies do actually trigger that part of your memory to remember the movie or message in the movie and games too
RE: Has Movies and Games change music as a nostalgia trigger

Countless of songs that connected people are actually from a producer/composer who has work with a product so the memory is saved in our long tearm since we can experience with alot of senses.