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Has anyone ever played the pokemon trading card game online for PC? It's free


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
I was wondering if anyone ever played this game. I have been having a blast especially with the release of sword and shield. I always played pokemon tcg back as a child but I grew out of that and didn't want to play with real cards because to me that's a bit going to far.

I found a hidden treasure in this game. It can be played on apple or android tablets as well as Windows and Mac for PC. It's free and there's single player but the best part about it is multiplayer. Yugioh has those cheap server games but this one is made by the Pokemon Company so it's professional.

Here's a link to download it. If anyone wants to play me let me know you can add me. My username is B-rad_UGG

The UGG stands for Underground Games, a place where I played the game as a young kid. -> https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/play-online/
RE: Has anyone ever played the pokemon trading card game online for PC? It's free

Thanks for sharing! Will definitely check it out.
RE: Has anyone ever played the pokemon trading card game online for PC? It's free

I played it a long time ago, but it's been forever since I touched it. Maybe I should try to play that again... I only ever played the single player mode, though.
RE: Has anyone ever played the pokemon trading card game online for PC? It's free

I played it a long time ago, but it's been forever since I touched it. Maybe I should try to play that again... I only ever played the single player mode, though.
Yeah you should give it a go. You can get like 30 digital code packs from amazon and they send it to your email. There pretty cheap. Between $10-15.

The multiplayer is pretty fun. It's grown over the years. The trade servers not that bad either. Once you get your first set of packs, getting cards you want through the trade server isn't that hard to do. I have a decent Pikachu/Raichu deck. It's not half that bad. You can earn packs by playing though but there mainly earned through multiplayer.
RE: Has anyone ever played the pokemon trading card game online for PC? It's free

I LOVE Pokemon but the sound of card games is off putting. I'm not a huge fan of card games, I remember loving Yu Gi Yo tv series but hated the games as it was heavily card based.
RE: Has anyone ever played the pokemon trading card game online for PC? It's free

I know what you mean but Yugioh and Pokemon trading card games are so much funner then ordinary card games especially like poker and stuff like that. I can see how certain people wouldn't want to play card games. Though this is so much better. The animations of the attacks also add to the enjoyment.