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Has anyone ever been to a bon fire party?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
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Wondering if any of you guys have thrown down at a bon fire party? I have been to plenty of those and there always so fun to go to. It's enjoyable to go to a bon fire party because usually there's a lot of people, a lot of woman, and a lot of beer. And it's always fun in my opinion. I haven't been to one in a really long time but I was wondering if anyone has been to one or has any stories they want to share about any good times at one.

Let us know below.
RE: Has anyone ever been to a bon fire party?

Never been into one because in our country it's always hot so nobody would throw a party around a bonfire lol

Anyway, what we do is a "peña" that involves singing acapella or with just an acoustic guitar along with a tasty BBQ.
RE: Has anyone ever been to a bon fire party?

Wondering if any of you guys have thrown down at a bon fire party? I have been to plenty of those and there always so fun to go to. It's enjoyable to go to a bon fire party because usually there's a lot of people, a lot of woman, and a lot of beer. And it's always fun in my opinion. I haven't been to one in a really long time but I was wondering if anyone has been to one or has any stories they want to share about any good times at one.
Let us know below.
Every other weekend I host a bonfire party at my house, we generally get around 14-18 people each time. I do it all summer too.
RE: Has anyone ever been to a bon fire party?

We have bon fire parties down our seafront that happens every summers. They are good fun, like you say, there's beer, women etc. I usually go with a group of friends and meet randoms there who are there for a good time too. It can get messy sometimes though and especially down the beach, we all go skinny dipping which isn't the safest thing to do when you're pissed!