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Happy 22nd birthday Playstation 2

RE: Happy 22nd birthday Playstation 2

I never owned a PS2. But I'm happy to see that it served the gamers well and some still might be using it. It's one of the greatest consoles and for sure has left memories after it. To those who had a PS2, what's your favourite thing about it?
RE: Happy 22nd birthday Playstation 2

Spiderman I suppose that I would play at the YMCA when I was about 12 years old. We also played a bit of Madden NFL. Such an old console but wasn't half that bad for the time period.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Resident Evil 4

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

God of War

Final Fantasy 10

They are my favorite games on Playstation 2.
Sparrow said:
I still feel bad giving away my Playstation 2. It's one thing that I have done with my gaming which I still regret till date.
It's not a bad thing to do. As long as the new guy is taking very good care of the PS2, it's better then keeping and not using it.
PlayStation 2 and the Sega console brand is always going to be my favorite when it comes to consoles. I still have my PlayStation 2 and my Sega Genesis. I'm never ready to part away from them.
PlayStation 2 and the Sega console brand is always going to be my favorite when it comes to consoles. I still have my PlayStation 2 and my Sega Genesis. I'm never ready to part away from them.
One of my favorite video games which I played so much on my Sega Genesis was the Punisher. I used to play with my junior brother, it was the way we are able to beat it because we couldn't beat it individually.