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Gun Control

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
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Who is for or against?  Who has an opinion in-between?  Well, I feel almost everyone thinks the mentally ill shouldn't own a gun and the same might be true with criminals.
RE: Gun Control

The right to bear arms is in the constitution but they should be stricter on who gets one. Too many people getting shot up. They need to be strict on this. There's too many gun owners who are not physically stable and are mentally suppressed who even kill themselves on a daily basis just because they have a weapon close by. Someone who is suicidal can end their life too fast because of this.
RE: Gun Control

I don't really know the essence of owing a gun when I have nothing tangible to do with it. I'll only get attracted to own a gun with the security in my locality is loose. 
RE: Gun Control

Strict law should be enforced against ownership of firearms. I am dead against owning a gun or for that matter even a hunting rifle. Both are equally dangerous. Violence is on the increase. Tragically we hear lot of news about shooting incidents in educational institutions, which is real bad. You cannot justify owning a gun only for self protection. If it gets into the hands of anyone who should never have it, the consequences could be disastrous. 
RE: Gun Control

Laws should be enacted and implemented in a way that lesser people should be able to own a firearm, this would drastically reduce the gun violence.
RE: Gun Control

Young minds are corrupted by what they see on media and games.  There is always this urge to enact it in real life.  Though one needs to have a license to own a gun, illegal arms are finding its way into the market.
RE: Gun Control

It's tough to police rules regarding illegal gun use by felons and the mentally ill.  In that case, tragedies will keep happening.   However, I think people need guns to defend themselves from criminals.   
RE: Gun Control

I do not think the public shall be armed with guns. That does not mean they cannot carry knives, tho. It is easy to slip in between the control checks and if everyone gets a gun, bad things could easily happen, dependant on the person carrying it. I suggest working on improving the safety for public and detaining criminals for life.
RE: Gun Control

For centuries, people used swords and probably knives as the main weapons.  In fact, the only weapons similar to guns I suppose were flame throwers and cannons.  Anyway, people can arm themselves with rocks, whatever.   You get to a point where banning stuff is pointless.
I don't see a point why a civilian should have a gun. Therefore, I believe there should be gun control.
I don't see a point why a civilian should have a gun. Therefore, I believe there should be gun control.
Because We have rights to protect ourselves. With that being said i also believe there should be Gun Control.
I think it would be good if the government spends on improving the security in street rather than regulating the gun control regimen.

Think about it, how would we establish a system to know who would turn into a potential abuser of a licensed gun without invading their privacy? As far as I am concerned, my privacy is too valuable compared to my right to hold a gun and use it.

Additionally, there are many other countries in the world where guns are heavily regulated and still enjoy a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere in cities and villages.

Another argument is about the need for gun to take part in hunting activities. While that might be a credible reason to own a gun, it is not above our right to privacy. Also, many new technologies are available to combat man-animal encounters including electrified wires, AI based warning detection systems and much more. Why not invest in peace rather than weapons that can kill?
Because We have rights to protect ourselves. With that being said i also believe there should be Gun Control.
Don't you think it is government's job to protect the civilians? Don't you think gun ownership will create violence in the society?
Don't you think it is government's job to protect the civilians? Don't you think gun ownership will create violence in the society?
Maybe in your country they do but in America even though that should be the case most of the time we are fighting against the people who we thought we were there to protect us
Maybe in your country they do but in America even though that should be the case most of the time we are fighting against the people who we thought we were there to protect us
Now, thats a very serious allegation.

Do you mean the Police? If that is the case, I have heard that there is some kind of high handedness in the force, but that is the case in most of the countries since police forces have authority sanctioned by the law.
Maybe in your country they do but in America even though that should be the case most of the time we are fighting against the people who we thought we were there to protect us
Civilians cannot own a gun in our country, therefore, mass shooting are not heard here. In the US, civilians own guns so mass shooting is common. Even in our country, security forces are said to exercise highhandedness but there are laws to deal with this.
Civilians cannot own a gun in our country, therefore, mass shooting are not heard here. In the US, civilians own guns so mass shooting is common. Even in our country, security forces are said to exercise highhandedness but there are laws to deal with this.
I understand but remember there is always a blackmarkter people will find a way to get a gun and even in Nepal i am sure people have guns illegly.
New Zealand has strict gun laws but that didn't stop the Australian from doing the mosque shooting here a few years ago or gangs killing each other :(