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Getting Online for Nothing

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Well, aside from paying the internet bill, you can get a website and domain for nothing.  First of all, get a free domain extension (.tk, .ml, .cf, gq etc.).  Next, find some free hosting which allows these domain extensions.

Well, a hurdle can be getting that SSL certificate.   The free ones for InfinityFree.net, for instance, seen to be a hassle to put on, but can be done.

Note: once you're online this way, you won't have to pay again.  It's not like one of those free trial things for dollar .club or .xyz etc..
RE: Getting Online for Nothing

That's cool tips you simply set out here, concerning free domains and hosting. But I wouldn't like to go into such kind of hassle in order to enable my site go Live. I'll definitely go for paid hosting/domain plan. 
RE: Getting Online for Nothing

Yes but free hosting when it costs next to nothing already I suppose was the point you were at least trying to make right? Hosting when it's free has ads and if not it's not as convenient. Something that's $2-3/month would suit just fine.