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Gaming movies


Oct 26, 2020
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Are there any video game movies that were based on a game you enjoyed watching? Perhaps someone got trapped in the game, or was it a scientific experiment? Well, I really liked watching the Jumanji film series; it's great when they got sucked into the title.
RE: Gaming movies

I remember Jumanji, but one movie I liked is actually called "Gamer". It's a movie about prisoners that get put inside and trapped inside a video game. The best gamer in the world is set to control one inmate and I can't remember the end or would spoil it even if I could but I think the movie goes on to show the gamers plan to get the prisoner out of the game. You should check it out sometime.
RE: Gaming movies

All my favorites games adapted movies were HORRIBLE. The most "good" was Hitman.
RE: Gaming movies

The original Resident Evil film was ok, if a little cheesy in places. I didn't really like the sequels when I first saw them (I've only seen Apocalypse and Extinction), but I've recently purchased the boxset to give them another try. The films are reportedly getting a reboot this/next year, so it'll be interesting to see whether they're better or worse.
RE: Gaming movies

I really enjoyed World of Warcraft but that's because I am a huge fan. My ex told me it is trash and that she didn't like it :S
RE: Gaming movies

It's not built on an actual game but I do love Ready Player One and Gamer as movies. They are both extremely action packed, fast paced and bring gaming to life. I'm sure most of you have heard of RPO however surprisingly a lot of people have never hear of it. It has Russel Crowe in it, who is also in the best movie ever Gladiator, and it features a chip that you can place in your head and it allows someone else to control you in a real life video game. Death Row inmates are able to battle their way through the ranks as players control them in a Real Life FPS, and if they get to a high round they are free to go. There's another world that allows people to control others in a sims type of game. You can go out to clubs, and do... various other activities there. It's an amazing movie and I highly recommend anyone watch it if they haven't done-so already!
Jumanji was a niche movie, however, I did not like the recent Jumanji movie. I have not played Witcher game but the TV show is really nice.
Everything about the Resident Evil games and movies are very good. 

I enjoyed playing all the games as well as watching the movies too. 

I'm getting ready for Resident Evil 4 Remake. 
Unchartered movie was a great adaptation. I liked the movie very well. 

I'm going to watch the movie again. They should make part 2 of the movie. 