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Gaming community - JoyFreak.com

Yes guys this is a buddy of mine. His site is new but he has a lot of potential. We have recently partnered. If you wish to join his site please definitely sign up. We have now partnered websites
Guys, come check out JoyFreak! We have a new theme and some cool features!
1@JoyFreak[/uSER] I just want to comment as I have told a few people about our advertising rules. I just wanted to say that 1@JoyFreak[/uSER] had asked me first and we had an agreement which is why this was allowed. Normally it wouldn't be but I just wanted to make that clear that it was something we had spoke about prior. But yes everyone he has a new theme on his site which is a custom design based off of UI.X Pro. You all should come check it out when you have time. :)
Hey guys. We are looking for PAID article writers or content writers for JoyFreak.com. If you are interested, get in touch!