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Games that are hard and tough to play

It depends on your interest, if you are too much interested in the game, there is no game that can be considered tough to play. However, it is generally believed Soul games are comparatively harder to play.
Soul's game's like; Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Seriko : Shadow Die Twice, Ghost of Tsushima, and Elden Ring are the most difficult of them all. I find them all very difficult to play and beat. 
For me GTA 5 ( Without cheats and hacks ). I don't think i can end the game without them lol
If you have played Soul's games like Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Sekiro : Shadow Die Twice and so many more in that genre, you will know truly what difficult games is all about.
Soul's game's like; Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Seriko : Shadow Die Twice, Ghost of Tsushima, and Elden Ring are the most difficult of them all. I find them all very difficult to play and beat.
Bloodborne hands down! I couldn't get anywhere in the game for days when I started playing it. It's even more annoying when you die, you end up starting from the beginning.
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

I would say one of the most toughest video games that I've played was Skyrim. Many challenges were presented, throughout the storyline, and I can remember it taking me literally hours on end to pass this specific part of the title. Although, I really like the sense of achievement after doing so.

Skyrim was not easy to scale through. I have found a lot of gamers complain about it at that time on how difficult it is to win in such games.
Skyrim was not easy to scale through. I have found a lot of gamers complain about it at that time on how difficult it is to win in such games.
It is not even about the difficulty level of this game that I find very frustrating to deal with but also the manner of the bugs that you have to also deal with playing the game that gets on my nerves.
Personally, it's the Souls-type games. I love them but they're brutal and unforgiving. Honestly, I wonder if I'm a masochist because I like when it's extremely challenging.
Personally, it's the Souls-type games. I love them but they're brutal and unforgiving. Honestly, I wonder if I'm a masochist because I like when it's extremely challenging.
Well, for me, if a game isn't extremely challenging and very difficult at the same time, it doesn't give me the thrills to keep playing it for a long time.
Well, for me, if a game isn't extremely challenging and very difficult at the same time, it doesn't give me the thrills to keep playing it for a long time.
I mean, everyone's gaming preferences are quite different and those kinds of games aren't meant for everyone either. It'll annoy and frustrate the hell out of most people.
I mean, everyone's gaming preferences are quite different and those kinds of games aren't meant for everyone either. It'll annoy and frustrate the hell out of most people.
It is actually the reason why I don't criticize anyone based on how they like to play their games because I know that each and everyone of us have a different way we like to do things when it comes to gaming.