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Games that are hard and tough to play


Jul 9, 2021
For me GTA 5 ( Without cheats and hacks ). I don't think i can end the game without them lol
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

Those 2D side scrollers can be extremely hard at times. One game I really struggled with a lot was Volgar the Viking. Mainly because if you lose you have to start over. That tends to be the thing with these hard to play games is you have to start over when you lose.
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

You want a game that makes you rage quit, play the original battle toads, near impossbile.
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

I almost always cheat in single player games. hehe Games that were too hard tho? I'll have to say the original Star Craft. Totally rage quit that shit. hehehhehe
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

Games that are inherently hard after a certain point, are usually the games that come with a built in cheat system, if you can't handle the intensity of the game. :D

Meanwhile, I have played plenty of hard to win games, and managed to beat them. Wouldn't believe how long it took me to beat the Metal Gear Solid games, because I refused to see if there were ways to get passed certain scenarios. :D DId later find out after beating it a few times, that there are things in the games that allow you to avoid certain things, get around certain things, or even cheat your way through those things. Made the game boring after that.
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

My g/f and I also never completed GTA San Andreas despite intense efforts. So we decided to use God mode where you could only die from a fall and took turns fighting the police. I have very fond memories of that, :)
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

I would say one of the most toughest video games that I've played was Skyrim. Many challenges were presented, throughout the storyline, and I can remember it taking me literally hours on end to pass this specific part of the title. Although, I really like the sense of achievement after doing so. 
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

Any strategy games at high levels. Some examples company of heros 2, total war games, civ games. Those are the ones I've played, in most games new people can do fine like FPS games, or fighting games just due to muscle memory. But strategy games is alot of micro management which I find to be more difficult then other game genres. Games like these have little room for mistakes.
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

Empire said:
Any strategy games at high levels. Some examples company of heros 2, total war games, civ games. Those are the ones I've played, in most games new people can do fine like FPS games, or fighting games just due to muscle memory. But strategy games is alot of micro management which I find to be more difficult then other game genres. Games like these have little room for mistakes.
Tetris is fun for some people but that's one strategy game I have trouble with. It's really just that I don't know how to play. But overall I can see how knowing the game would help. FPS Games are easy to play. Harder to play are 3rd person shooters many times unless it has a good movement system like Gears of War does.
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

I heard dark souls is the hardest so far, but other than that I guess any game that i dislike would be hard. Crusader Kings II is quite hard sometimes, Hearts of Iron IV too and Europa Universalis.
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

Bloodborne is one video game by FromSoftware Inc that really gave me a great difficulty in playing and completing the game. 
RE: Games that are hard and tough to play

Playing competitive games alone is a mission... I struggle a lot in CSGO when I'm playing solo que... It's just not fair to me as I always try my best and then I get griefers and trollers in my team. I play the competitive mode, not the casual. If they want to have fun, they should go to casual.
Seriko : Shadow Die Twice, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are the most difficult and tough game's to play.

Also, Ghost of Tsushima is equally very difficult too.
Soul games falls comfortably under this category , I have been opportuned to play dark souls, blood Borne and sekiro shadows die twice and they weren't as easy and it was quite interesting since you needed to pay more attention to what was happening on the screen so you could get past each level.
Sports games like FIFA are usually difficult for me to play, I enjoy playing adventure games and horror Games more than for sport games.
Phoenix said:
For me GTA 5 ( Without cheats and hacks ). I don't think i can end the game without them lol
I had the same experience with playing GTA 5. It was very difficult beating the game without all the cheats.
Dark souls 3 is top on this list , I have been able to go really far in This game though I have been playing for a couple of months now.
I have been playing Dark Souls 3 for a while now, it's very difficult for me to beat it. It's showing me pepper.
Heatx said:
Seriko : Shadow Die Twice, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are the most difficult and tough game's to play.

Also, Ghost of Tsushima is equally very difficult too.
It was Bloodborne that I couldn't make any serious progress in playing. I had to stop playing the game even till now.
It depends on your interest, if you are too much interested in the game, there is no game that can be considered tough to play. However, it is generally believed Soul games are comparatively harder to play.