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I think speed runnin is a waste of time just for a record that someone else wil break. I mean its cool to blow the devs mind when yu beat their game in under 15 minutes (outerworlds) but still, something i would never do, not that i cant because i have, but because its to tedious 1 mistake and that it,
I find no joy in playing a game over and over and over just to find the smallest faster time. Where is the fun in that?
I agree with everyone else, I don't even like to watch speed runners to be honest. It's just them messing up, restarting, messing up, restarting, for 5 hours down the road they're able to beat it in 20 seconds. Like congratulations on the 20 second victory, it only took you 5 hours nonstop to achieve that 20 second time!
I don't play action games, or other missionary games via my console game. I'm just impressed only on EA FIFA games, and nothing more, I'm just a soccer addict.
I tend to play opened MMO/sandbox games. Good examples are EVE On-line and similar. I've only "beat" a dozen or so go games, usually by cheating. lol
I find no joy in playing a game over and over and over just to find the smallest faster time. Where is the fun in that?
Demon_skeith said:
I find no joy in playing a game over and over and over just to find the smallest faster time. Where is the fun in that?
When there are so many games to play, why get stuck with one for more than I should? I can play games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Call of Duty Vanguard, Battlefield 2042, The Witcher 3 :Wild Hunt, Ghost of Tsushima and so many more. 
I play games, but always careful of which one that I am playing. It is all about understanding why I should be focused on playing a particular game.
I find no joy in playing a game over and over and over just to find the smallest faster time. Where is the fun in that?
When I have so much to play in my backlog, I don't have to keep repeating a game over and over again.
I play games, but always careful of which one that I am playing. It is all about understanding why I should be focused on playing a particular game.
Similar to myself I choose my video games carefully. I search for video games with immersive stories because that is what hooks me in a game.