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Game you really want to play from the retro days?


May 6, 2020
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Let's say... from the PS2/PSP/GC/GB/Xbox era and before, what games do you really want to play that you missed or just want to replay to hopefully experience the same great gameplay you had before? And would you play it on some ported modern console day or want to get the old console it came out on?
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

I always miss playing DooM in a real Old School PC, also SNES was the console i grew up with. I still play from time to time titles like Super Mario World, Super Metroid (i played it just last month on the new virtual console port officially released by Nintendo), and games like Starcraft I.

There are a few games i can't remember from early 90s, but i do remember playing Zool (a really poor platformer that tried to mix elements from Sonic and Mario games) and also many racing games like Fatal Racing, Lotus and some Moto GP Championship (I call it that way because i can't remember its real name).
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

A game I thought about playing was Pocket Bomberman for gameboy color. That was a really good game back in the day. I don't care too much for setting up an emulator these days and wouldn't do that but that was a fun game from my childhood. Also another game I haven't played is pokemon emerald.
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

I would love to play the warriors game that I used to play on the original xbox, but I am sooo happy they are bringing back Destroy All Humans.
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

Any Nintendo game.
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

I'd have to say Darkwatch and even though I didn't play much of it, it made an impression as being a very unique and cool shooter. 1@Sir Twisted[/uSER] , hmm the Warriors seems to be one of the only Rockstar games I haven't played, I should get round to doing that soon. What Destroy All Human games have you played, I'm keen as for the remake as well!
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

Crazy that no one mentioned The Elders Scroll or Diablo but those are games from PC so maybe this is a more console oriented thread.

My biggest nostalgia game is Final Fantasy V, i remember going nuts with the battle theme.
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart for me personally.
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

I would love to play the warriors game that I used to play on the original xbox, but I am sooo happy they are bringing back Destroy All Humans.
The moment I saw this! The warriors is an awesome game! Totally worth it if you can get a copy!
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

I really liked Paper Mario: Two Thousand Year Door for the Nintendo GameCube. I also liked Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup for the Nintendo GameCube. I wouldn't mind something like either of these games for the Nintendo Switch.
RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days?

I really want to play Mario Kart & Wii Fit again. The penguin slide game, which was one of the sports in the game, was my favorite. The Nintendo Wii was the first-ever console I owned, along with the Wii Balance Board, as a kid.