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Future of VR Gaming?


Oct 26, 2020
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What do you think the future of Virtual Reality Gaming will entail? Is there a possibility that we can enter a world in the first person and experience the 5 senses of surroundings? Is there a limit on how much technology can advance or not?
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

What I had envisioned are more like Domes you can be inside or huge olympic sized stadiums. You would put on something that looked like a wet suit and it would have sensors on it then you basically play something similar to a paint ball game but I'm sure things like call of duty could also be introduced. Other ideas I had were possibly some type of Pod that you got inside where it had rollers and the entire inside was a screen. You'd then have a detachable gun you could use. Things like that. The last thing I think could occur in the next 1,000 years or so is where they give you a pill, that looks like a contacts lense, similar to that movie where the guy takes it and becomes super smart. From there you would be inside the game. The hard part would be somehow getting other people to join you as even if in 1,000 years that was possible I'm not quite sure how they could do it. That last one in my opinion because of how advanced drugs could be that long from now could be fathomable. Interesting thoughts though.
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

The first thing I'd like to see is a true VR experience with field of view and resolution in the headset.
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

I feel like VR is a fad that will eventually die off in the coming years. It feels like the whole 3D craze that's died off. It's too expensive and not everyone can handle VR without getting motion sickness, so I don't see it really being around for much longer.
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

1@Smokey[/uSER] Would be somewhat surprised if it died off. That being said, I can see how the technology to actually run these games, in the days where it was at it's peak could make very immersive experiences. Microsoft opted for augmented instead of the PS5 straight forward reality. Dome sized buildings with holograms is what I assume it will lead to. Could be many years though. Technology not quite there.
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

It's going to become standard, as technology becomes more advance VR will become no different than the controllers we hold. Can't wait till we reach SAO levels.
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

I am pretty much sure that VR would be making more of life interactive games. Those games are going to be pretty fun as they would resemble the real life gaming scenario. I know for sure that those games would soon even affect our touch and senses in that context. It's pretty much fun to play VR games.
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

VR has the potential to be great, but it's mishandled. Just like Microsoft learned with the Xbox, you need games to sell your platform. So first you need a big company with the money to fund VR games, that's easy they do have the money, just that rest of us can't afford VR headsets or A PC. In fact, we have PCs capable of pushing high resolution and high refresh rates, both something you want with VR. Having a smartphone-based VR device (I mean those standalone portable things) just limits what can be achieved. If a game needs to run at low res and low details I would rather play on my 4k TV.

I think it will see the next step when Sony releases the PSVR2. It costs like over 1k to set up a full VR setup on PC, but I have barely any games to play. And the cheaper options are kinda a waste because they aren't build to be as cheap as possible or the best for the money, but to be portable and standalone. Then again Are you a VR person? Do you want to go down that road?
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

VR's been on a slow roll to gain anything worth while. Though I hope it picks up, with games Like Orbus, a VRMMO I think VR has a lot of potential. I even own some pretty good domain names like VRGamingNews.com and VRMMO.co in case it gets big I'll be prepared!
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

I haven't heard of anything VR related in a year because everything is covid, covid, covid! I would love to see more VR games come out but also better VR accessories that could bring you into the environment yet also in a safe way.

Maybe we need a new company to actually focus on VR games alone instead of relying on other companies to pick up the slack?
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

i think that VR is never going to be as big as the kinetic or wii were at some point, but also they have more staying power, is probably not going to m
RE: Future of VR Gaming?

The biggest issue with me in relation to VR, is that if I am seeing something in VR, I want to be able to react with my feet, in order to move around. This is why I would love to get myself a hold of the VR omnidirectional treadmill. Lets me play whatever, and get real full range of motion. Though those things do cost a bit of money, because you are basically buying multiple things that are put together for use as a set.
I don't do VR gaming but I think VR gaming is the future of the gaming industry. The metaverse will take VR gaming to the next level.
I'm planning on purchasing Oculus Rift VR Headset soon. 

I need to start getting some experience with how these new gaming tech works. I can't be left behind for long. 
There's a Samsung VR Headset that I saw on YouTube yesterday. I can't recall the full name but it looks very good. I'm sure Apple is going to be working on their own VR Headset too. 