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Free vs Premium Forum Software

Jason Y

Feb 9, 2022
Considering SMF and phpBB's default themes are now mobile complaint - which pretty means any offspring of them are the same, what is the point of premium software?  Well, premium software gives you one on one support on demand.    However, though, not all webmasters need it.  Anyway, some say premium software has more "out of the box".  That would be an advantage for those who don't want to do DIY (Do-It-Yourself) stuff.    Nonethless, that kind of forum work isn't too difficult.
RE: Free vs Premium Forum Software

Premium Forum software, makes it easier for the webmaster to gain more robust security, have Live chat sessions and lots more amazing features. But, if you don't have the extra funds to spend for it, it will be better to stay put with Free option. 
RE: Free vs Premium Forum Software

Premium software is much better in my opinion. I can definitely say it is. There's so much involved in making software that cost money and so many features. MyBB is an excellent choice to start. If you do have the money than Invision is better.
RE: Free vs Premium Forum Software

TopSilver said:
Premium software is much better in my opinion. I can definitely say it is. There's so much involved in making software that cost money and so many features. MyBB is an excellent choice to start. If you do have the money than Invision is better.
I still don't know why the default MyBB isn't mobile ready.   It seems like that would be a top priority.  Well, when is the next version coming out?
Most of my websites are built on wordpress, which is a free CMS. I also use MyBB, phpBB, SMF, which are also free forum software. I have never paid for website software. I like using free software because these are more popular than the premium ones.