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Free or Premium Software?

I actually would go with what @Laifot has mentioned.

My favourite forum software (in any category) is phpBB and I dont think I would use anything else on topo of that. However, if forced to take a side on the paid ones, I would go with XenForo over IPB.

I love phpBB because
1. Free and premium looks
2. Fantastic support community
3. A well established database of MODs and Styles.
I don't own any forum now but if I should want to own one, I will use paid software. This is because I'm not a fan of anything free. Also, the premium softwares offer better features.
I believe it has more to do with the kind of project one is undertaking at a given point in time. if I can locate one free software that can adequately serve my basic needs then count me in. But if I really require more sophisticated tools, I suppose I would purchase the software.