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Free or Paid Games on smartphone?

Whenever I play games or choose games to install on my phone, I always go for the free games as I don't feel I play enough on my phone in terms of games to justify paying for a game.

If I play a game on my phone enough and I enjoy it, I will consider buying things within a free game but that is very rare.
One thing that's very common today in the world of moblie gaming is having a lot of them being free to pay.

Do you fancy playing such free games or do you like your paid games for the obvious reasons?
I prefer to play free games on my mobile phone, but I’ll support a game that I like and enjoy playing.
I usually always get only free games, and I don't pay for addons in the games. I try to earn it for free if it's possible.
I always go for free games, I just don't see the point of paying for a game when there are so many free games on Android.