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Apr 2, 2024
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I'm not at that level but in learning about web development (specifically JavaScript) I came across some frameworks that are used for game development such as Phaser and Pygame. While I'm still just learning the basics, it could be interesting to take some time with these at some point.

Have you dealt with any of these or other such frameworks/libraries? What has been your experience?
The only javascript framework I've heard of that can make video games is called Electron. You may want to do a brief search and give it a try. Looked promising when I saw the video. I know for a fact the 2 you listed are probably similar even though I didn't hear of them before.

There are all kinds of other frameworks like node js, angular, and so forth which aren't strictly games but you could go as far as your imagination will take you I suppose.
The only javascript framework I've heard of that can make video games is called Electron. You may want to do a brief search and give it a try. Looked promising when I saw the video. I know for a fact the 2 you listed are probably similar even though I didn't hear of them before.

There are all kinds of other frameworks like node js, angular, and so forth which aren't strictly games but you could go as far as your imagination will take you I suppose.
I looked it up. Definitely not ready to make desktop apps but it is definitely very interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Those other frameworks have definitely come up a lot, and I might start looking into them once I get a hang of the basics.