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Five people die in US romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak


Retired Staff
May 20, 2018
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Five people have now died in a major E. coli outbreak in the US involving romaine lettuce, with 197 cases reported across 35 states.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said 25 more people had been affected since its last report on 16 May.

Two of the victims were from Minnesota, with the other three from Arkansas, California and New York.

It is the largest US outbreak of E. coli since 200 people fell ill in 2006.

According to http://the latest statement from the CDC, many of the people affected took ill two to three weeks ago, when the contaminated lettuce was still on shop shelves.

  • E. coli bacteria: Friend or foe?
  • How should you wash salad and vegetables?

Romaine lettuce from the Yuma growing region in Arizona is thought to be the source of the latest outbreak, although the Food and Drug Administration says no single grower, distributor or region can account for the spread.

An investigation is ongoing.


Salad is fighting back and now has the means to get back at it's threats. Aha that kind of makes sense to me, but serious this is kind of crazy.
RE: Five people die in US romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak

This is very sad. I hope they find out the source of the outbreak. The people responsible should be sued for a very large amount and even possibly charged with a crime. These cases are very rare but yet at the same time they do happen and people really do die. The food and drug administration (FDA) would shut the source down though if they could find out where it came from.
RE: Five people die in US romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak

This is very sad. I hope they find out the source of the outbreak. The people responsible should be sued for a very large amount and even possibly charged with a crime. These cases are very rare but yet at the same time they do happen and people really do die. The food and drug administration (FDA) would shut the source down though if they could find out where it came from.
I think it is based upon slacking or improper handling and cleaning of the lettuce. they should test most of it, especially if it is having these deadly results.
RE: Five people die in US romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak

i think i read an article about this that went viral a bit ago. crazy they could let something like that happen