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First post vertical

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
Added a little flavor. Vertical first posts. That way the OP stands out more.

I had a user ask about hiding ratings. Personally I never have wanted to ever hide site status from anyone. But from that 1@bittersweet[/uSER] I at least decided to change it up a bit with this option. I hope you like it. I don't ever want to be "the same old" type admin. I will always think of news ways to improve. I just have to agree. :P
I noticed it now that i logged in again and thought it was some sort of bug lol.

I was thinking on degrading the color of the OP's posting area to stand out more from the rest of the thread.
I noticed it now that i logged in again and thought it was some sort of bug lol.
I figured some users might think it's a bug which is why I made an announcement. I'm satisfied with the way it looks. I'd rather not change the color of the first post. But thanks for the idea.
I figured some users might think it's a bug which is why I made an announcement. I'm satisfied with the way it looks. I'd rather not change the color of the first post. But thanks for the idea.
I agree it looks pretty damn cool!
That's what the theme option says. Guess it could be either way.
It confused me because the original poster's post has a horizontal postbit while everyone who replies afterword has the vertical/legacy postbit.
This is cool. When I first saw the first post I could tell it wasn't a bug. Good move,
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