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Favorite Windows


Jun 29, 2021
What is/was your favorite version of Windows?

I will always be partial to Windows XP. I have so many childhood memories involving Windows XP. It still stands out as the most innovative OS from Microsoft in my view.
RE: Favorite Windows

Umm, favourite version of windows, I do not know anymore. Point taken that I have been using Windows 10 far longer than other systems, meaning been using WIndows 10 ever since 2014 and did not stay long with Windows 8, had a gaming laptop with Windows 8.1 then moved right to Windows 10 when it was no longer a public beta.

I remember when Windows 7 came out back in 2009 and that was the year that schools updated and on that note, I got my Windows 7 PC in early 2010 that I used windows 7 till 2014 :) and I came from XP before Windows 7.
RE: Favorite Windows

I guess Windows 10 is my favorite seeing as it has the most features. However I am excited for Windows 11 as Best Buy is already starting to sell laptops that have Windows 11 on it so very exciting.
RE: Favorite Windows

What is/was your favorite version of Windows?
I will always be partial to Windows XP. I have so many childhood memories involving Windows XP. It still stands out as the most innovative OS from Microsoft in my view.
Windows 7 professional. This was the one which I used extensively in my college days.
Just like yours, I too have memories with it. After Vista, it had a provided a completely new look, and I was very impressed.

Now I am using windows 10, but I don't think it is as convenient as windows 7.
RE: Favorite Windows

My all time favourite is windows 7, I never thought any Os could top Windows Xp but Windows 7 Sure did that.

Great look, Smooth operation and was very stable . Windows 7 was a master piece.
RE: Favorite Windows

My all time favourite is windows 7, I never thought any Os could top Windows Xp but Windows 7 Sure did that.
Great look, Smooth operation and was very stable . Windows 7 was a master piece.
Which version you have used of windows 7? I tried professional as well as ultimate. I am afraid to say that ultimate is not as good as professional. I used the professional one for more than three years.
RE: Favorite Windows

I will go with Windows 7. It worked perfectly and everything seemed to be right with that OS. I don’t like other versions much
RE: Favorite Windows

Windows XP. It came with my own first PC, i remember upgrading the hell out of it and finally died out in 2012.

It had an AMD Phenom proccessor.. i still dream about those gaming days!
RE: Favorite Windows

Windows XP is good, but I enjoyed Windows 7 the most. I wish they stuck with W7.
Win 10 may be feature packed, but I too agree that win7 is the best OS I have ever used. I wish they could have get an updated version of win7, instead of completely launching a new layout OS.
RE: Favorite Windows

The last windows i use was windows 6, it helped me execute tasks until it broke down and became very bad beyond repair. I'm expecting to buy windows XP if the funds is available.
RE: Favorite Windows

Grew up using Windows 3.1 but would probably say XP closely followed by Windows 10
RE: Favorite Windows

I don't really have a favourite Windows version, to be honest. I guess my favourite will always just be the latest version of Windows since it has new features and looks modern. Other than the taskbar in the centre, I really like the look of the upcoming version - Windows 11. The good thing is that we can move it back to the left.
RE: Favorite Windows

Definitely Windows 10. I have 64 bit Pro and got it free since I own a legitimate Windows 7 license.
RE: Favorite Windows

My then favorite was Windows XP. Had numerous things on it, that I miss using. I have a number of disks of various programs that no longer work in their current form, though admittedly there have been updates to some of those programs that now work better on Windows 10.

Windows 10 is my current favorite. Hated Windows 8.
RE: Favorite Windows

Windows 2000 was faster and more reliable than prior versions, and it didn't include as many unnecessary or toy features as subsequent versions of the OS. Trying to utilize it now, though, isn't realistic.
RE: Favorite Windows

I haven't used any other  windows  expect windows 10 and it can be frustrating at time,.