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Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
What's your favorite text editor or IDE. I prefer phpstorm by Jetbrains. An amazing quality IDE for advanced work. For html, css, and sometimes js I prefer Sublime Text 3.

Sublime text is very organized in my opinion for html and css. Anything like php and advanced js I prefer phpstorm but sublime is amazing for small jobs.

Phpstorm and all jetbrains products are free to try for 30 days and if your in school and can prove it with a .edu email address you get their all products pack absolutely free and no charge to you whatsoever.

If you check them out be sure to go to their individual customers tab as it shows the business tab first which is more expensive. Phpstorm is $89 first year, $71 second year and $53 third year on. When you buy 1 year you get what they call a "perpetual fallback license". This means that once your year runs out you can down grade to the version that was out when you first paid for that year and that version is yours to keep forever. You get the version out when you pay for it forever. This applies to all their products or the all product pack as well.

Sublime text is $80 but has an extended trial that lasts as long as you choose to trial it. There's no time limit on the trial and you can use it as long as you want. Check them out when you get a chance.



Let me know what you all think~TopSilver
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

Notepad. Never fails me.
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

Notepad++ is my TextEditor of choice.. Free and easy to use.. hasn't failed me yet :3
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

Notepad++ is my TextEditor of choice.. Free and easy to use.. hasn't failed me yet :3
You could easily do better. Notepad++ is good if that's all you feel like using but you'd enjoy Atom or Visual Studio Code. They are both free and have many features as well as a very good package manager.
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

I use Visual Studio sometimes too, but i prefer Notepad++ since it's just easier and i'm more used to it i suppose.
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

I use Visual Studio sometimes too, but i prefer Notepad++ since it's just easier and i'm more used to it i suppose.
People tend to stick with what their used to so that's understandable. The main reason I use jetbrains products is because it's easier for me to learn. Text editors are more for pros to organize their code
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

I use Atom.io, Visual Studio, Codelite and Sublime! Really depends on what I'm doing, they all have their qualities. :)
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

Notepad++ is my TextEditor of choice.. Free and easy to use.. hasn't failed me yet :3
Always! Its updates are so neat!
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

Notepad++ is my TextEditor of choice.. Free and easy to use.. hasn't failed me yet :3
I tend to use Notepad++ purely out of habit.. I haven't really explored alternatives as I haven't felt the need to do so.
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

I tend to use Notepad++ purely out of habit.. I haven't really explored alternatives as I haven't felt the need to do so.
It's good for light work. But to make add-on it's phpstorm for me. I use sublime text for light work as stated above. Just like the people who can't let go of their VIM editor since it's command based mostly it's interesting that a lot of people are saying Notepad++.

I guess it is just a habit. Though sometimes it helps to have error checking and/or at least some linters. Makes advanced work a bit easier. Currently I know that the creators of Xenforo made the software with Phpstorm. But that's just something I wanted to share. It's in the dev docs. But either way, whatever gets the job done.
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

Notepad++, been using it for years now.
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

Notepad++, been using it for years now.
I only ever use Notepad++ for really small changes I need to make. Never really used it to develop something.
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

1@TopSilver[/uSER] I now use JetBrains software :D So good!
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

Visual Studio Code, it runs perfectly on my Windows 10 laptop, as well as my Chromebook with crostini(linux) enabled.
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

Notepad ++ for me as well, clean and well organized and doesn't get complicated.
RE: Favorite Text Editor -> IDE?

I've used Notepad++ previously, and have considered using it again. Though I have had my eyes on Sublime Text for awhile, as the built in features I would love to have. I think I might have trialed it at one point. Going to need one of the two eventually, as I am planning to get back into coding themes, and having an organized code editor makes things easier to find bits in the coding.
I used Notepad++ before transitioning to Visual Studio Code. I enjoy many the features that are already built-in plus the ones I can get through extensions. The support is also nice if I have issues with the editor.

Sometimes I might just end up using my default text editor if I need to make a quick change :).
My favorite IDE is PyCharm for Python development because of its intelligent code assistance, debugging features, and built-in tools. For general text editing or when I’m working with a variety of languages, I prefer Visual Studio Code due to its versatility, extensive library of extensions, and robust community support. Both of these tools help me write clean, efficient code and stay productive. :D