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Favorite Pokemon?


Aug 23, 2022
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I'm sure that we have Pokemon lovers here.

What's your favorite Pokemon?

Arceus is my favourite.
RE: Favorite Pokemon?

Pikachu is my favourite Pokemon. I love how it looks so innocent especially with its eyes. Also, the electric shock power of Pikachu is mind blowing for me as a kid back in the days.
Charizard and Dragonite are my favorite Pokémon.

Rach said:
I'm sure that we have Pokemon lovers here.

What's your favorite Pokemon?

Arceus is my favourite.
Arceus is great to be very honest. It's supposedly the strongest Pokémon.
Pikachu Is undoubtedly my favorite pokemon character of all time.
I know about Pikachu because I watch him in cartoon animation way back. But in truth, I'm not into Pokémon anymore.
I used to like Pikachu but now my favourite Pokémon is Charmander.
I have never been such a big fan and f pokemon so I don't have any favorite pokemon character.

But I know Pikachu is quite popular and a lot of people likes the character.
Dragonite is my favourite Pokémon. In fact, I'm in love with all Pokémon that have fire powers.
If it's not Arceus, I'm not sure if I would be interested in any other Pokémon. Arceus is the best there is for me in all Pokémon.
Sincerem11 said:
I have never been such a big fan and f pokemon so I don't have any favorite pokemon character.

But I know Pikachu is quite popular and a lot of people likes the character.
I had a Pikachu keyholder some years ago when I was so much in love with the Pokémon. Pikachu is so cute especially the eyes.