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Favorite news channel

RE: Favorite news channel

Probably would have to be Fox News. I like their commentaries on politics and interesting to watch them argue with democrats. It's mostly Republican but in recent days sometimes Democrat.
RE: Favorite news channel

Al Jazeera is my favorite news channel. I do make of CNN once in a while but Al Jazeera stood out for me. Watching their studio during news hours thrills me a lot. 
RE: Favorite news channel

Heatman said:
Al Jazeera is my favorite news channel. I do make of CNN once in a while but Al Jazeera stood out for me. Watching their studio during news hours thrills me a lot. 
I will have to agree you on this. Western news channel like BBC and CNN presents news only in Western Perspective and they will feature the news only when there is Western Interest.
RE: Favorite news channel

Nomad said:
I will have to agree you on this. Western news channel like BBC and CNN presents news only in Western Perspective and they will feature the news only when there is Western Interest.
Seriously, it's by far the main reason why Al Jazeera have been my favorite go to when it comes to news. If they are not within their news hour, I would definitely like to wait. 
RE: Favorite news channel

Is it wrong to say that I don't watch any news channels? I don't have time for it at least for now when I believe they always lie in their news. 
RE: Favorite news channel

Anachiwo said:
Is it wrong to say that I don't watch any news channels? I don't have time for it at least for now when I believe they always lie in their news. 
Some news channels like BBC provides authentic and legitimate news, news channels are a part of media and without media there cannot be democracy so news channels somehow prevents the rise of an authoritarian and totalitarian government.
RE: Favorite news channel

I watch Wion News for its unbiased coverage of news from around the world. Used to watch BBC and CNN but found their reports rather biased. Wion News so far have no political inclinations and have better world coverage.
RE: Favorite news channel

My favorite is Fox News. They have good ground reporters and mostly they have a very unbiased news coverage. Sometimes, I watch Sky News and Wion too, they are also good with reporting live.
RE: Favorite news channel

Anachiwo said:
Is it wrong to say that I don't watch any news channels? I don't have time for it at least for now when I believe they always lie in their news. 
There are some people who don't really fancy it as well unless a news that's affecting all humanity like the case in Ukraine now. 
RE: Favorite news channel

Jackle2015 said:
I like BBC news channel for its authentic news.
Are they not all reporting the same thing all over with their own choice of words? I don't have any preference to anyone specifically. 
RE: Favorite news channel

Funnybones said:
My favorite is Fox News. They have good ground reporters and mostly they have a very unbiased news coverage. Sometimes, I watch Sky News and Wion too, they are also good with reporting live.
The only thing that I love about Sky News is their sports news. They give a well detailed information on sports. Fox News is average channel for me. 
RE: Favorite news channel

Funnybones said:
My favorite is Fox News. They have good ground reporters and mostly they have a very unbiased news coverage. Sometimes, I watch Sky News and Wion too, they are also good with reporting live.
According to you and the facts we have on ground, which News channel is giving us the real truth about what's going on in Ukraine? 
RE: Favorite news channel

Jackle2015 said:
I like BBC news channel for its authentic news.
BBC and CNN are full of shit when it comes to how objective they are with their news. I really hate watching any of them. 
RE: Favorite news channel

I don't watch news on the TV. I rather read news online and doing that, I could reach to more information that is more objective and not biased. Usually, TV news are very one-sided and don't represent the truth in it's whole.
Yarik said:
RE: Favorite news channel

I don't watch news on the TV. I rather read news online and doing that, I could reach to more information that is more objective and not biased. Usually, TV news are very one-sided and don't represent the truth in it's whole.
This is something that I'm open to doing too. With, you can even read other people's opinion and eye witnesses account with what they post online that's different from what the news channels report.
Fox News


Al Jazeera

They are my favorite news channel. I watch all of them simultaneously every day.
Sparrow said:
Fox News


Al Jazeera

They are my favorite news channel. I watch all of them simultaneously every day.
I don't have Al Jazeera, if I did, it's the only thing that I would listen to because they are more objective.
RE: Favorite news channel

I will have to agree you on this. Western news channel like BBC and CNN presents news only in Western Perspective and they will feature the news only when there is Western Interest.
BBC and CNN is trash. It's why I don't listen to them or anything they have to say. They are the most biased news channel on earth.