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Favorite Horror game?

Ja sa bong

Feb 2, 2022
Reaction score
I have a lot of horror video games that I have played which I enjoyed. I love it when they are very creepy. Some of the horror games are ; Alien Isolation, Silent Hill, Until Dawn, Little Nightmares and so much more.

I love horror movies too.
RE: Favorite Horror game?

Favorite horror game would be Dying Light on Xbox. It's a zombie game and it's super fun. Recently Dying Light 2 released. You should check it out.
RE: Favorite Horror game?

Favorite horror game would be Dying Light on Xbox. It's a zombie game and it's super fun. Recently Dying Light 2 released. You should check it out.
You should be well informed that Dying Light 2 stay human is 500 hours long of gameplay. If you are the kind of player who doesn't like to play a game that is too long , it is going to be very difficult for you to get into playing dying light 2.
RE: Favorite Horror game?

You should be well informed that Dying Light 2 stay human is 500 hours long of gameplay. If you are the kind of player who doesn't like to play a game that is too long , it is going to be very difficult for you to get into playing dying light 2.
I never played Dying Light 2. I only played Dying Light 1 but based on the fact that I would only play it for fun it wouldn't make much of a difference just because I probably wouldn't play the whole thing however 500 hours is not what any game should be so odd they'd make it that long but I appreciate the diligent info.
RE: Favorite Horror game?

I am not a fan of horror games but I have played a few horror games such as Dying light and Silent Hill. However, I never played the sequels of these games.
RE: Favorite Horror game?

I'm getting Resident Evil Village soon after getting a very strong recommendation from my friend to play the game since I enjoy playing survival horror video games. I'm getting it next month.
RE: Favorite Horror game?

Ja sa bong1662880152 said:
I have a lot of horror video games that I have played which I enjoyed. I love it when they are very creepy. Some of the horror games are ; Alien Isolation, Silent Hill, Until Dawn, Little Nightmares and so much more.

I love horror movies too.
Silent Hill remains one of the best horror games that I have played. You can't just get it wrong by playing it as long as your head can carry what you see.
For now, the survival horror game that I love so much now that I'm playing is Dying Light 2 Stay Human.

It's a very good game with lots of Zombie killing.
Currently my favorite horror game is the last of us , I have completed the part one and have gone for my second play through of the part two.
My favorite horror game of all time still remains resident evil.

I absolutely enjoyed every single release of the game title I have played.
Silent Hill, Alan Awake, System Shock, Dying Light 2 Stay Human, Until Dawn and Little Nightmare are my favorite horror games.
Resident Evil 4 will always be my favourite horror game. I heard they were developing its remake. When is it supposed to come out or is it out already?
I like playing horror games that have zombies in it. It's why I like Dying Light 2 Stay Human very much.
Phabby said:
Currently my favorite horror game is the last of us , I have completed the part one and have gone for my second play through of the part two.
It was The Last of Us Part 2 that's my favourite horror game.
Until Dawn is another horror video game I do like playing. Even Silent Hill 2 back in the days was a great release.
I think the last of us is my favorite horror games of all time.
Sincerem11 said:
I think the last of us is my favorite horror games of all time.
The Last of Us Part 2 was far more better than the first release of the game.