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Favorite childhood game


Jun 17, 2020
Reaction score
This seems an appropriate place for this. What is your favorite childhood game?
RE: Favorite childhood game

There are so many, it's hard to only pick the one. But, if I had to choose, my favorite all-time childhood game would probably be Minecraft. I even participated in a Minecraft Club during lunchtime and afterschool. Many hours have been dedicated to this title lol.
RE: Favorite childhood game

Contra First game I'd completed.
RE: Favorite childhood game

Contra is the favorite game for me. Me and my friend will team up and play it for many times.
RE: Favorite childhood game

Def Hercules, Heroes III and Warcraft III The Frozen Throne. Those are my fondest memories until wow came and took away my will to do anything in the real world XD
RE: Favorite childhood game

There are many for me as well, though I say one that stood out as fun was Bomber man and Bubble bobble games. Very fun and always a joy to play.
RE: Favorite childhood game

For me, it has to be a tie between Pokemon and Final Fantasy 2 for the SNES. These games I played religiously and still actually play to this day!
RE: Favorite childhood game

Well, since I grew up in the 70s/80s we didn't have handheld games like you see today. But there was a game I wanted and asked for it every Christmas for about 4 years before giving up because it was too expensive for my parents to buy. The game was a simple handheld called Merlin and it had different types of games you could play like Tic Tac Toe, Echo, and Mindbender (according to Wiki). My friends had them and they would bring them to school so we could play during recess.
RE: Favorite childhood game

I've used those before 1@Lämmchen[/uSER]. That was when I was like 8. The little mini-games you get from Walmart. I had a power ranger game and toy story. Kids these days don't use those as much as they used to.
RE: Favorite childhood game

The Legend Of Zelda (NES). I will never forget the day my mom and dad let me go buy it. It changed my life forever. I remember looking at the gold cartridge through the packaging and just being amazed at having a gold Nintendo game. I think I was the first of my friends to get it and I only heard about it in Nintendo Power. To me, that was the best game ever made. I'm 36 and I still play that wonderful game.
RE: Favorite childhood game

Kingdom hearts 2, Age of empires, old iPad games (infinity blade) But the one that struck me the most is kingdom hearts the story and overall experience guide me as a person till this date. And ill always remember the twilight town theme; sunsets and sea salt ice cream.
RE: Favorite childhood game

It was probably Mario Kart. I remember my brothers and I playing that for hours on end.
RE: Favorite childhood game

I love this game - Dangerous Dave. A wonderful game and i find it tough to reach after 5 or 6th level. Slowly i stopped playing it.
RE: Favorite childhood game

My favourite childhood game was super Mario. It was a video game, which was dear to my heart in my school days. :)

Mario might be a fictional character, but for me it was like an emotion to play with him. I was too connected with the character. :giggle:
RE: Favorite childhood game

Forts! It's like the most fantastic secret world that you can control or destroy.
RE: Favorite childhood game

There was this pirate game I used to play a ton on Windows 4, back in the day of Floppy Disks. I loved playing that game so much, that I think I may have worn the disc by how frequently I would access it, and explore various islands and figuring out how to get gold.
I was not allowed to play games when I was a kid but I did sneak into playing on a handheld game device.
I played Space Invaders very well on my Atari 2600 when I was a kid. It was my favourite game back then. 