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Favorite board/card game?


Jul 23, 2020
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What is your favorite board game or card game?

Mine was always Clue. Now they have a Harry Potter version of Clue that I wouldn't mind having. I wish they'd have had that when I was a kid.
RE: Favorite board/card game?

When it comes to card games that you feel and touch :P I gotta say that I do enjoy doing Uno :) I have a set of Uno cards and also have a game called Uno on steam as same as what you play with the set of cards.
RE: Favorite board/card game?

I love play Uno. I do still own the Uno cards and it is always fun to play it. But nowadays it has been forgotten :(
RE: Favorite board/card game?


I love that game, it's a shame i don't get to play a lot with my friends :(
RE: Favorite board/card game?

Cards Against Humanity, there are no many different themes/topics, can't go wrong.
RE: Favorite board/card game?

Card game would be Pokemon but I also think Yugioh is a good bit fun as well. The days where people actually use real cards is slipping by us. Unfortunately for the creators most people play the card game on the computer. Started getting into Magic the Gathering: Arena just recently to on steam as it's a free game.
RE: Favorite board/card game?

I think you guys never played Ludo. It's so fun playing it. You guys should try at least once.

It is available in Google play as Ludo king. You can know more about this game here http://How to Play Ludo.
RE: Favorite board/card game?

I still remeber buying my first house in Monopoly board game, it's a great way to reach business and the world to children. Highly recommended this game to everyone especially children.
RE: Favorite board/card game?

My favourite board game would be the classic Monopoly, while the length might be annoying sometimes, its satisfying to dominate in that game. My favourite card game would be Coup, which sees each player with two different types of cards and each action costs money. The twist is you can lie about which cards you have to do actions you wouldn't be able to do with your current cards. If you get called out for not having that card, you lose it but they can lose a card if they miscall you having the wrong card. Nice little mind game one that.
RE: Favorite board/card game?

Koryo is a fantastic tableau building card game with fun and interactive mechanics
RE: Favorite board/card game?

Mine would be Monopoly or Snakes and Ladders. Classic games for sure!
RE: Favorite board/card game?

My favorites would be the various versions of Monopoly (like Triopoly), and Settlers of Catan. Haven't played Risk in awhile, but if I had the opportunity to play that again with others, that might get back into my top 5 list.
RE: Favorite board/card game?

I'm not really a fan of board games. But if we're talking card games, it's definitely going to be YuGiOh.

YuGiOh Master Duel launched on consoles and PC recently and I love the idea of it. I just hope they add in a filter because I only know the original YuGiOh rules since I'm an oldtime fan of the anime and its TCG. 
RE: Favorite board/card game?

DnD. Aka grandaddy nerdy board game . Dungeons and dragons if this counts, I love it, I even started making my own dice lol. But yeah if that doesn't count than monopoly
RE: Favorite board/card game?

Ludo and chess are my favorite board games. I also like it when I play puzzle games that requires me to set some pieces into an image. 