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Favorite Beer?

Favorite Beer?

  • Yes I drink beer

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  • I drink beer but not often or I haven't in a while

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  • I don't drink beer at all

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  • I've never even tried beer

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
What's your favorite beer? Mines Bud Light and also Coors Light. I know a lot of people who drink Busch. Which actually isn't that bad tasting but personally I prefer Bud Light and Coors is my second favorite. Post your favorite beer below and tell us why you like it more than other kinds.

I added a poll to vote if you drink beer.
RE: Favorite Beer?

I read somewhere that Coors light has something that is considered very dangerous.



I'm not really fan of "light" beers because i'm used to drink a few bottles of a heavy bodied beer. That also means less money spent in beer :P


I drink a local beer called Pilsen (which is a very standard way to call a blond beer in germany), talking about a more "international" brand my vote goes to Heineken.
RE: Favorite Beer?

I read somewhere that Coors light has something that is considered very dangerous.


I'm not really fan of "light" beers because i'm used to drink a few bottles of a heavy bodied beer. That also means less money spent in beer :p


I drink a local beer called Pilsen (which is a very standard way to call a blond beer in germany), talking about a more "international" brand my vote goes to Heineken.
Yeah I was just about to mention you should try Heineken while reading through before I saw it. Heinken is alright. I don't like heavy beer. They got budweiser for heavy beer in the U.S. Some of the nastiest beer I've ever tried though is Milwaukes Best. That stuff is gross. Never heard of Pilsen but for that type of beer here they got something called Pale Ale. Which pale ale is actually not terrible to drink.
RE: Favorite Beer?

Yeah I was just about to mention you should try Heineken while reading through before I saw it. Heinken is alright. I don't like heavy beer. They got budweiser for heavy beer in the U.S. Some of the nastiest beer I've ever tried though is Milwaukes Best. That stuff is gross. Never heard of Pilsen but for that type of beer here they got something called Pale Ale. Which pale ale is actually not terrible to drink.
I don't think you'll get a chance to try our beer unless you come here haha!

PS. I don't like Black Beer at all....
RE: Favorite Beer?

PS. I don't like Black Beer at all....
Can't say I'm too fond of black beer or Ale either. I got a friend who's dad drinks a ton of black based Ale and I tried it when I was over there and didn't like it at all. Also I've had mexican beer before. I guess that's not where you live but it probably is similar. It's been a while since I have. I tell you right now though, Mexicans have some good ass food though. I've had that kind of beer at a Mexican restaurant.
RE: Favorite Beer?

There's a shop over here that sells belgian beer, maybe they have this one. I'll go and check it out today. Seems very good!
They should do, it's definitely one of the more common Belgian beers.
RE: Favorite Beer?

I don't have a favorite. I have generally like all I've tried - minus some weird European beer. Well, my brothers all seem to like local beer - but I haven't tried it.
RE: Favorite Beer?

I absolutely cannot stand beer and I am perplexed for those who do! For me it smells very bad and has a poor taste. I am much more of a cider drinker if I am having a light drink, otherwise I will move onto spirits. Do people actually enjoy beer for its taste, or because it is cheap? What advice would you have for trying to like beer?
RE: Favorite Beer?

Hi, beer is not for everyone, some of them have a strong taste and you'll get used to it if you drink frequently, when i was 16 i had my first beer and i particulary didn't like it.

Maybe you could try something like Coors Light or the dutch ones that has a sweeter taste.