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Favorite author?


Retired Staff
Apr 18, 2018
Reaction score
My personal favorite is Curtis Jobbling. Jobbling captures scenes in a way that makes perfect sense to me and i enjoy that. Im not a big reader by any means but his scripts actually make me like them and that my friends is a miracle.
RE: Favorite author?

I mostly read programming books so I don't necessarily have a favorite author. I like the Bible series of programming books though as well as the missing manual series. I also have been getting into Apress quick scripting references that tend to help out a lot with understanding and grasping the concept at once.
RE: Favorite author?

Sui Ishida, Masashi Kishimoto, & Naoki Urasawa

They are my favourite
RE: Favorite author?

I have only one favorite author that profoundly stands out to me: Orson Scott Card. He is the author to the ender game series. A very good read, as that is the only way to explain how good he is.
RE: Favorite author?

I take it these are Manga authors? 1@Nagato[/uSER]
Sui: Tokyo Ghoul & Tokyo Ghoul:re
Kishimoto: Naruto

Naoki: Monster
RE: Favorite author?

Favorite author would totally be James Patterson. I basically lived off his maximum ride series growing up.
RE: Favorite author?

Louise Cooper from the UK. Lord of No Time and Indigo Series my fav!!!
RE: Favorite author?

Hard to narrow it down to just one author, instead:

For me:

S.M. Stirling (The Emberverse I,II)

Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson & The Olympians/The Heroes of Olympus)

James Patterson (Maximum Ride)

L. Ron Hubbard (Battlefield Earth)

Stephen King (The Dark Tower)

I know I'm forgetting some, but I'll add them when I remember them.
RE: Favorite author?

My favorites are.....

David Banks (Fort Whiskey)

J. K. Rowling (the Harry Potter series)

Stephen King (Carrie)

Joe Hill (Locke & Key series)

Wayne Hancock (Gotcha! series)
RE: Favorite author?

My favorites are Orson Scott Card, Stephen King, louis l'amour and C.S. Lewis.

Those are generally my pick on the go to for reading fiction. Always fun to have different varieties of books to read.
RE: Favorite author?

My favorite authors are:

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

James Joycee

DH Lawrence

Salman Rushdie

VS Naipaul

JM Cotzee

I have read almost all books from these authors.
RE: Favorite author?

Agatha Christie and J. K. Rowling are my favorites anytime. The first, while at college and the second, ever since Harry Potter series was published. Both are legends in their own right.
RE: Favorite author?

Erle Stanley Gardner and Arthur Hailey are my favorite authors.  