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Empty Places


Sep 30, 2020
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It is being said and also experienced by people that empty places, rooms, houses eventually get the habitated by the entities which don't like to crowd among the humans. And the thing is that often it is said that the other worldly beings dwell in the places where humans don't mingle. I don't know if it is meant to be done to avoid humans for their own safety or for some sort of the rule the world has.

What do you think could be the reason that empty places have some activities?
RE: Empty Places

Probably so that they can be alone. I imagine since purgatory may be considered some type of waiting period if it was real. Most spirits may just need rest and want time to resort their problems in life before passing on and going to Heaven or wherever they would end up going. I imagine that period between life or death is a time to sit back and think about your life and I doubt many people who have died would like loud noises or being around people. It can also be noted that darkness instead of light plays a key. That might have something to do with demons but I'm not entirely sure.
RE: Empty Places

I feel because most of us have been bought up hearing stories about demons and ghosts right from our childhood, fear has been embedded in our minds and there is natural tendency of our manipulated mind to visualise ghostly figures especially in darkest of places. I do not think there is anything such as paranormal activities. As long as fear dominates you, you will see unnatural and scary images where nothing exists.
RE: Empty Places

Are people sure that places deteriorate so bad from no use they aren't mistaking the building breaking down?
RE: Empty Places

I think part of the reason why some relatively empty places seem to creep people out, has been due to stories and movies that tend to bring out fear of something. I know of some locations that tend to have paranormal related events, due to people believing the stories around the event, to be more than what it was. I've never really understood why there are places that tend to creep people out, even if they don't know of any of the stories behind those locations.
RE: Empty Places

Empty places could well be devils abode. It is true in many places that such places are inhabited by people who do illegal things. That said, I am sure and agree with the majority of comments that it's all mind game. Right from young age, fear has been embedded in our minds. Sad to say, this fear stays lifelong and in severe cases may even require treatment. Movies with stories about ghosts, paranormal activities, aliens doesn't help a bit. Its fear of the unknown basically, which keeps normal people away from empty places. 