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ElkArte anyone?


Jul 23, 2020
Reaction score
Have you heard about ElkArte? Have you used it? I have used it for 2 of my project and it was really nice. A SMF fork it does a better job with responsive theme and decent addons.
RE: ElkArte anyone?

I haven't heard of it. How different is it than the stock SMF?
RE: ElkArte anyone?

I think by default they provide 2 responsive theme which is not seen in the SMF (i think). It is light and very easy to use other than i don't know much of the difference between these two.
RE: ElkArte anyone?

Coolness. I wasn't too impressed by the core SMF tho which I briefly used....
RE: ElkArte anyone?

I've never heard of it, but I've just looked them up and it seems like a decent little package.. Especially for the price (free)!

I do wonder what they'll do as SMF continues to be developed though.. Will they take newer versions as a new baseline to work from with their own updates, or is it now a completely separate development?