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Elder Scroll Online


Mar 23, 2019
Reaction score
Anyone play this game? I love this game, especially Skyrim on the PS4 but this is better as it's online. What do you think of this game? The story line is the best I have played!
RE: Elder Scroll Online

I have played it on Xbox One and own it. I think it's a fun and good game but I thought Skyrim was better. Mainly the reasoning behind this is just because there's a limited number of attacks for each type of character you have and once you unlock all the attacks there really isn't anymore to choose from. In Skyrim you could use your hands to cast spells and it was a matter of just finding the spell you needed but in ESO it doesn't really work like that. However it is a very fun game in my opinion regardless of that fact and it's enjoyable to roam the open area and go into dungeons with your friends. I enjoyed playing it.
RE: Elder Scroll Online

Yeah I love that it is open world. I also loved Skyrim, it was a fun game. I still continuously play it on the PS4. I like games like these, medieval fantasy.
RE: Elder Scroll Online

Will have to check it out, is it free or paid?
RE: Elder Scroll Online

1@Naiwen[/USER] it's now free on Xbox One I think or so I've heard. Not sure about PS4 but it's not an expensive game. You could probably get it for pretty cheap.

RE: Elder Scroll Online

There are deals on at the moment for this game, so I would also want to know if it's worth it. I have played all of the Elder Scrolls and I love them, not as much as the Fallouts but they are high on my list. I didn't get this game at launch and have always worried it was too late to start. Are there still many people online?
I have been playing Skyrim for a while and it's quite a game. I have been procrastinating on starting to play Elder Scrolls Online for a while but never really started it.

What are the tips I need to know as a beginner when playing the game?
I played elder scrolls on Xbox , Never completed the story but I still very much enjoyed playing the Game.

I tend to have a hand full of and I would just try to play them till like 50 percent completion before moving on to another game.
Elder Scrolls Online is very good. I won't say anything off about it. But even though that it's an online game, I would always go for Skyrim first.

The reason for this is because I don't like playing online games that much now.

JoyFreak said:
Anyone play this game? I love this game, especially Skyrim on the PS4 but this is better as it's online. What do you think of this game? The story line is the best I have played!
I haven't played Elder Scrolls Online for me. I'm still going to play it but not right now because I have so many other games to play.
JoyFreak said:
Anyone play this game? I love this game, especially Skyrim on the PS4 but this is better as it's online. What do you think of this game? The story line is the best I have played!
I have been playing this Elder Scrolls Online since it was released and I love it the same way I enjoyed playing Skyrim.

I heard some gamers found a way to cheat in the game but it's not what I'm after.
I won't play this Elder Scrolls Online. It's not because it's a bad game but because I'm not into playing much online games.
I have been looking for another good online game to play for a while now. I'm happy seeing this Elder Scrolls Online is good and it's Skyrim related. I'm going to play it soon.
PeterS said:
I won't play this Elder Scrolls Online. It's not because it's a bad game but because I'm not into playing much online games.
It's not bad like other online games. You won't have do suffer hackers and the rest. You will love the game.
I have seen a few reviews on this game online though some were bad but in general I could give it 6/10 rating.
I have had Elder Scrolls Online for a little while but have not started playing it. I'm trying to complete Skyrim before I start it.
Sincerem11 said:
I have seen a few reviews on this game online though some were bad but in general I could give it 6/10 rating.
Have you played the game to give it a 6/10 rating? You can't rate a game that you're yet to play.