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Edward Snowden

RE: Edward Snowden

There’s a movie about him. Snowden. I watched it. It was so interesting.
RE: Edward Snowden

There’s a movie about him. Snowden. I watched it. It was so interesting.
IIRC there's also a movie called 4corners about him as well.
RE: Edward Snowden

While I don’t agree with whistblowing per-say, because we have to keep our national security, I do agree what Snowden did because it directly affected and had major implications on us, the US citizens.
RE: Edward Snowden

I agree with what Mathew said. But further more in some way I actually admire him for what he did. I feel like it was something the American people had the right to know and he wasn't afraid to tell the public. Though multiple circumstances have come out of it like many people starting to not trust the government. (Citizens not trusting the government was a epidemic during WWII) and now it's just normal for people to not trust the government for whatever reasons it may be. Sure there's not much news about Snowden anymore but he made a huge impact, I don't think anyone can truley judge if it was for the good or the bad.
RE: Edward Snowden

I like watching movies based on true stories.

It makes it more real.