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Don't know how to feel


Apr 15, 2018
Reaction score
Like the title says.. i don't know how to feel about retro gaming. I get..you know "OG" gaming but graphics has come a long way. Let me put it like this; To me it's like having a HUGE tv, and then trying to go back to a small tv. it's hard lol. I have went back and played retro games, but.. when i play a game with these intensive beautifully mastered graphics, i just get so much more emersed and it's getting harder and harder to retro game.
RE: Don't know how to feel

I bought a Nintendo Switch last Christmas and for retro gaming I don't exactly get into it as much but if you consider Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario Odyssey retro gaming then I enjoy it at times. Still wouldn't trade my Xbox One for it. As far as actual retro gaming like NES and SNES, I'll pass.
RE: Don't know how to feel

Look it HellBound, a retro style shooter in 3d with modern graphics pretty cool is you ask me.
RE: Don't know how to feel

Well, to be fair retro games are there for those people who grew up with those games and want to experience what they did years ago when they first played it, its less about the gaming experience and more about the memories it brings back.

Put it simply: Nostalgia