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Does anyone use Twitter?


Active Member
Retired Staff
Apr 16, 2018
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Do you use Twitter? I've gotten back into using Twitter to stay up to date on gaming related news [sIC]
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I sometimes use it. Mostly for Nintendo Switch stuff, though.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I sometimes use it. Mostly for Nintendo Switch stuff, though.
You mean to see Nintendo Switch updates? Just wondering. I almost sold my Nintendo Switch the other day but decided to keep it. I enjoy it a lot. Can't wait for Super Smash Bros. I think twitter is a famous persons paradise. Seems they get more use out of it than anyone else. I get twitter notifications in my inbox all the time regarding games.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

You mean to see Nintendo Switch updates? Just wondering. I almost sold my Nintendo Switch the other day but decided to keep it. I enjoy it a lot. Can't wait for Super Smash Bros. I think twitter is a famous persons paradise. Seems they get more use out of it than anyone else. I get twitter notifications in my inbox all the time regarding games.
Yeah, and other switch stuff, like glitches in certain games.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I tried to use it as an advertising tool, but have only got 2 sign-ups from it in 4 months so far.. :poop:

I also have a personal account, but don't really use it.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I have a personal account that i use only to follow sports events when i can't watch it live on TV.

I lost interest in my surroundings too! :D
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I have a personal account that barely gets used because I forget I have Twitter most of the time.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I use it for personal and some of my websites!
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

Its been ages since I quit using Twitter.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I browse through twitter while on the train every morning, very rarely post anything though
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I have 2 Twitter accounts.

  • for gaming
  • news
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I used twitter yesterday and i've got a question for you:

I noticed that only the most important tweets by your following accounts are shown.. i was following a soccer game and it was a disaster..
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I used twitter yesterday and i've got a question for you:
I noticed that only the most important tweets by your following accounts are shown.. i was following a soccer game and it was a disaster..
I believe there is an option that will allow for chronological order but Twitter decided that after awhile it will revert to how it is now. And if you change back, again, it will change back eventually.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

Currently yes, for promoting my sites.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I use it for promoting my radio show and website updates.. and random tweets.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I use it for promoting my radio show and website updates.. and random tweets.
I find it personally pointless and useless to tweet, I prefer Facebook myself.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I find it personally pointless and useless to tweet, I prefer Facebook myself.
To be honest with you, I've been using twitter more and more this past year.. not sure why considering i'm usually a facebook geek, lol
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

To be honest with you, I've been using twitter more and more this past year.. not sure why considering i'm usually a facebook geek, lol
Why do you use it then? I'm simply seeing no reason to bother with it at all. Plus, it limits your characters to 140 a tweet. That's what I hate most about it and why I don't use it at all except to promote my personal sites.
RE: Does anyone use Twitter?

I use Twitter regularly, both to keep up with friends and silly things, but also to promote my work and to better my writing through writing chats. :)