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Do you watch Playthrough?


Aug 23, 2022
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Games playthrough is another gamers play of any particular game uploaded to any streaming platform like YouTube or Twitch.

I watch Playthrough once in a while especially if I want to know more about the game before buying it to play.
RE: Do you watch Playthrough?

I'm not bothered about spoilers, so watching video games playthrough is always a welcoming thing for me. I watch most of the games that I played before getting them.
Game's playthrough are very important. It's why they were added to the games in the first place. Once I have the time to watch them, I do so completely without skipping it.
I do that on YouTube and it's unusually on video games I am really interested in but I haven't purchased or had the time to play.
Yes, I have seen a handful of playthrough's and I enjoy watching playthrough's of my favorite video games or games that I would also like to play.
If the playthrough isn't too long and boring, I will make out time to watch it because it helps with starting the game right.
If playthrough are not necessarily important, video game's developer's would have scraped it. So, I deem it necessary to watch in all my games.
I don't even watch playthrough anymore I would preferably just purchase the video game and play it for myself than sitting for minutes watching others play it.
I watch playthrough every now and then depending on how much time I have to play the game.
If it's possible to skip all of them, I would be the first gamer to do it. Playthrough is a complete watse of time for me.
Sincerem11 said:
I don't even watch playthrough anymore I would preferably just purchase the video game and play it for myself than sitting for minutes watching others play it.
It looks like you don't understand what a game's playthrough is all about from what you just commented.