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Do you use a password manager?


Active Member
Retired Staff
Apr 16, 2018
Do you use a password manager? I've used Lastpass, Bitwarden, & 1Password. 1Password has been the best so far but it's not cheap. So I think I only used it for a year.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

The one that comes with Xiaomi. I use it mostly to remember my accounting data.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

The one that comes with Xiaomi. I use it mostly to remember my accounting data.
I haven't used that phone (I know the brand), but it sounds like that password manager is built in. IMO, a password manager that can go on another phone would be better, if ever end up going with another brand.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

I haven't used that phone (I know the brand), but it sounds like that password manager is built in. IMO, a password manager that can go on another phone would be better, if ever end up going with another brand.
I don't really plan on switching brands unless something extraordinary happens. My fav brand (SONY) are far behind in the market, also Samsung is way too expensive. No real difference between IOs and Samsung right now.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

You have to be secure online especially with hackers and many sites needing you to have complex passwords these days it really hard to remember them all

I Use http://Lastpass it is truly amazing They have Mobile app to (premium needed for Mobile app)

Tip :

If you can remember a password it is not secure a secure password must be random
RE: Do you use a password manager?

I tried Lastpass, but found it to be more of an inconvenience than remembering my passwords (which I'd like to think are pretty strong).

..that being said, I should probably think about changing them soon :whistle:
RE: Do you use a password manager?

I tried Lastpass, but found it to be more of an inconvenience than remembering my passwords (which I'd like to think are pretty strong).
..that being said, I should probably think about changing them soon :whistle:
Bitwarden is also another good password manager.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

I use a password manager and it really is great. The only problem for me is that LastPass is a bit dodgy when I try to use it on Android. It just doesn't sync up properly.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

I use a secret place to keep my passwords safe. Which FYI, really not a smart idea to use a password manger, its something that can be hacked and no doubt always in the eyes of hungry hackers.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

I made my own password strength on javascript years ago and that's all I have done. But in terms of doing it, I use it? I do not. I just keep using the same passwords with mixed letters and uppercase.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

Yes, I use LastPass all the time. Stores all my passwords and creates nice secure new passwords when needed.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

No, its too much risky. Everyone can hack my browser cookies and steal all the passwords. I never use "save password" option or any Extension relate to it
RE: Do you use a password manager?

Nope I never will. I do it old fashion way just use pen and paper to write my passwords down and keep it in a safe place. I usually remember my passwords anyways, especially the hard ones.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

It depends on the situation. Most of the passwords I use, I can remember without using a password manager, so long as I know which site I have a login for.The sites I need to keep different passwords on, I tend to save in a text document most of the time.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

I cant speak on what specifically bitwarden does to protect the master pass however One big reason to use a free service like this is that you can make several accounts. Example you can have a password manager specifically for gaming and just remember your pass for that manager instead of each game then have another one for your socials And maybe a 3rd or 4th to cover financial stuff. In theory you could have password managers storing other password managers so you can have hundreds of managers and still easily switch accounts and log in but most people dont need something quite on that scale But seperating your social accounts and financial accounts especially is a big deal and simply making 2 or 3 free password managers to keep things somewhat separated will really bump up security and overall peace of mind
RE: Do you use a password manager?

I save my passwords on my browser, I do not use any other password manager. By saving passwords on my browser, I can access the sites without having to enter login details on multiple devices. I use firefox on my laptop and I save all my passwords on firefox. When I use a phone, I can easily access my passwords. People have said me that there is a danger of saving passwords on browser, but so far I have not encountered any issues.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

Nomad said:
I save my passwords on my browser, I do not use any other password manager. By saving passwords on my browser, I can access the sites without having to enter login details on multiple devices. I use firefox on my laptop and I save all my passwords on firefox. When I use a phone, I can easily access my passwords. People have said me that there is a danger of saving passwords on browser, but so far I have not encountered any issues.
I don't use a password manager either but should. I actually simply do it all-around old fashioned style. I like to remember my passwords in case the password manager was lost so that's one reason. Plus if I'm somewhere on a different computer it helps to know your login details.

I also really like to make long passwords and I usually can even remember them if they are strung out and have a couple strange characters in them.
RE: Do you use a password manager?

I use the combination of upper case and lower case, numbers, and special characters in my passwords, therefore, I cannot remember passwords. Therefore, the only way to save myself for using forget password option is by saving them on the browser.  When I am using someone's computer, I do not log into any of my favorite sites (therefore, I do not have to enter my login details).
RE: Do you use a password manager?

Is there any benefit of using them. What happens if I reboot my windows or lose my pc?
RE: Do you use a password manager?

Yes, I do!

But only the built-in Google Chrome password manager for now. It is limited in features so I am looking to replace it in the future.

What I hate the most about it is that you can only save one password per domain name. So if the website uses two web scripts with two different logins, I can only save one of them  and a prompt to update the password keeps appearing when I try to log into the other.