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Do you smoke?

Ja sa bong

Feb 2, 2022
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My brother is struggling with smoking and vaping addiction. I don't know how and when he started smoking all of a sudden because no one in our family smokes.

Smoking is not good for one's health.
RE: Do you smoke?

I smoke cigarettes. It really gets me by. The fact that I'm addicted is a true understatement but I have a strong immune system so commercials where peoples faces are partially off make me laugh just because even though I know someone wouldn't think that would happen to them and it does, it's very unlikely that would happen to me. I smoke a pack and a half a day.
RE: Do you smoke?

I don't smoke and I can't even stand being with someone that smokes. That is one of the habits that I have struggled to understand. I mean one can just drink alcohol and feel alright instead of having to turn to a smoker.
RE: Do you smoke?

The Ministry of Health will always tell you that smokers are liable to die young. I don't want to die young. But I have had a few sticks of cigarette and that's it. It's only marijuna that I tend to smoke once in a while.
RE: Do you smoke?

Smoking isn't for me. I don't see the benefits that comes from smoking which is why I don't consider smoking at all.
RE: Do you smoke?

I smoked before, but that doesn't mean I am a chronic snooker. At the moment, I don't smoke anymore after learning the negative effects, damages it causes to our health.
RE: Do you smoke?

I smoked before, but that doesn't mean I am a chronic snooker. At the moment, I don't smoke anymore after learning the negative effects, damages it causes to our health.
There's nothing that's ever going to make me light a stick of cigarette for any reason whatsoever. I have seen people it ruied their lives.
RE: Do you smoke?

There's nothing that's ever going to make me light a stick of cigarette for any reason whatsoever. I have seen people it ruied their lives.
Sure, you shouldn't at all, that's purely risky, i love the way I stopped smoking and never looked back from it. I've read the dangers often and saw the damages it can cause when someone is so addicted to smoking.
RE: Do you smoke?

Sincerem said:
I smoked before, but that doesn't mean I am a chronic snooker. At the moment, I don't smoke anymore after learning the negative effects, damages it causes to our health.
I am happy that you have gotten to the point where you won the war against smoking addiction. It is not everyone that is this lucky to win the war against smoking and I commend you for that.
RE: Do you smoke?

I don't always have the urge to smoke. That is one useless thing that I think people do and it is pretty dangerous to the human body system.
Mr Bong said:
RE: Do you smoke?

There's nothing that's ever going to make me light a stick of cigarette for any reason whatsoever. I have seen people it ruied their lives.
A lot of people are suffering from heart diseases and lungs problems as a result of their too much smoking.
Even now there's too much cold, I wouldn't smoke because getting attached to smoking is very easy like ants to sugar.
My parents would kill me if they ever see me smoking. It's going to break my mother's heart.

I will never smoke as a result of that.
I don't like man who smoke. So, there's no way I would be interested in smoking too. 

You can't hate something and still do it at the same time. 
Smoking of cigarettes isn't good for someone's health. It's not food but a harm to someone doing it. This is why why I don't and will never smoke.
I don't smoke, never have been a smoker. However, when I was in my teens and early adulthood I smoked whenever I was in parties and clubs.
I don't smoke, never have been a smoker. However, when I was in my teens and early adulthood I smoked whenever I was in parties and clubs.
Same here - my father stopped smoking when I was born. I did smoke weed for a bit in high school but I just stopped one day.
I tried weed a couple of times and was never fan of weed. My father is nonsmoker. So, I was not inspired by him to smoke. But you know when you are in young age you are under peer pressure to do a lot of things that you don't like doing.
My brother is struggling with smoking and vaping addiction. I don't know how and when he started smoking all of a sudden because no one in our family smokes.

Smoking is not good for one's health.
If it is possible for me to ban cigarettes all over the world, I wouldn't hesitate with doing that because of the dangers and harmful effects of what cigarettes cost human beings.