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Do you see the Milky Way?


Jan 28, 2021
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I'm fortunate to live rural so on a nice dark night, no moon or clouds, once the eyes are adjusted, I can see the wisps of our galaxy. Unfortunately though, there is some bright lights coming off the next city over. I envy those who live extremely rural, away from all manner of artificial light & can get images that take your breath away.
RE: Do you see the Milky Way?

Yes I know that some areas of the earth can actually see the inner part of the milky way which is incredible. Some areas also have more stars. The area I live in doesn't have as many stars to gaze at though you do see planets a good bit from time to time. There was just a solar eclipse recently partial but more then half.
RE: Do you see the Milky Way?

I love looking up at the stars. Haven't lately, due to the smoke from the fires from the West Coastline (looking at you California and Oregon). Temperatures are getting to the right spot, where I won't be sweating sitting there at night. One of these days, I might just see about taking a picture of what the night sky looks like around this corner of the states.
RE: Do you see the Milky Way?

Yes, absolutely. The Milky Way is the most beautiful object in the night sky. If you don't know how to see it, find out when the new moon occurs. It's best to go out on a new moon night. You might not see the Milky Way in certain parts of the country. It's best to go out in the country after 10 or 11 pm.