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Do you save money at home?


Feb 1, 2022
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Some people have the habit of saving their money at home which is why they have a vault where they keep their valuables at home instead of keeping them in the bank. I find it very difficult to keep all of my money in the bank because of how frustrating our banking system is down here. My vault at home isn't that big but it can contain a good amount of money
RE: Do you save money at home?

I would never be comfortable leaving a huge sum of money at home. It's not safe. Yes, I have a piggy bank at home where I save small money but having a vault at home isn't going to work with me. I rather keep my money in the bank because it's safer there.
RE: Do you save money at home?

If it's safe to save money at home, I'm not sure if banks would be existing today. Everyone would have their money kept at home. It's even going to cripples a lot business.

RE: Do you save money at home?

I keep some money at home but I don't consider it saving money at home. It's just money kept at home in case of an emergency.
RE: Do you save money at home?

I see saving money at home as a big risk that I am not willing to take. The place that I am living at is not safe and I strongly believe that saving money at home will end up attracting a lot of attention to my home.
RE: Do you save money at home?

It's not wise saving money at home. If armed robbers were to come to your home, you will lose all of your money. Banks would be the best place to save money.
RE: Do you save money at home?

That's old system if saving money nowadays, I can't save good amount of money at home. I fear for theft, I prefer saving in the bank, where their will be interest added to my savings via fixed deposit or I better save in my digital dollar wallet via my crypto wallet.
RE: Do you save money at home?

I would never be comfortable leaving a huge sum of money at home. It's not safe. Yes, I have a piggy bank at home where I save small money but having a vault at home isn't going to work with me. I rather keep my money in the bank because it's safer there.
There is no denying the fact that banks are meant for saving money which means that they are very safer there as well but it doesn't remove from the equation that banks can also be robbed.
Henrywrites said:
RE: Do you save money at home?

I see saving money at home as a big risk that I am not willing to take. The place that I am living at is not safe and I strongly believe that saving money at home will end up attracting a lot of attention to my home.
I'm never going to be comfortable with saving money at home.

Even though banks can be stupid but it's the only place your money is safe at least 90%.
Anachi said:
I'm never going to be comfortable with saving money at home.

Even though banks can be stupid but it's the only place your money is safe at least 90%.
You have a point, but the banking system can be frustrating sometimes. I mean you may even want to close your bank accounts when such happens.
Henrywrites said:
You have a point, but the banking system can be frustrating sometimes. I mean you may even want to close your bank accounts when such happens.
Especially with their network downtime all the time and also comprising users account and stealing their money.
I have some money at home in my safe but it's not me saving money at home.

It's keeping money at home in case there's an urgent need for it.
I have some money saved and stashed at home.

There's a need to save money at home because of unforeseen circumstances.
I have some money saved and stashed at home.

There's a need to save money at home because of unforeseen circumstances.
I always keep small amounts of money at home because it's bad not to have money at home. 

But I won't have more than $1000 at home once. 
RE: Do you save money at home?

It's not wise saving money at home. If armed robbers were to come to your home, you will lose all of your money. Banks would be the best place to save money.

Banks have always been the best place to save money, but the challenge is that there are times that you may not find it easy having access to the funds at the end of the day.
I don't save money at home, I do not even have a lot of cash in my pockets. I only have cash for petty expenses. I like using mobile wallets or mobile banking services to send funds of buy things
I don't save money at home, I do not even have a lot of cash in my pockets. I only have cash for petty expenses. I like using mobile wallets or mobile banking services to send funds of buy things
You have more peace of mind when your money is in the bank. It's safe and you have coverage in case something happens to it in the bank.
I have never and will never save money at home. The amount of money I have earned in a month can't be kept at home. It's not safe, they are better saved in my bank account.